Say what now?

Feb 06, 2018 16:52

Chris Carter has announced that he's considering continuing The X-Files without Gillian Anderson, who's out after this season ends.

This calls for a GIF:

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wait...what?, asshole douchebaggery, x-files, stop the world - i wanna get off, pictures, thanks for nothing, gillian anderson, this is why we can't have nice things

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Comments 11

jimbobjoe February 6 2018, 21:56:09 UTC
Dude, YES.

No one will get Mulder's smartassery. And she's the reason I watched from the beginning so, WHAT IS HE THINKING???


blythechild February 7 2018, 13:48:28 UTC
He's high on his own supply. He still thinks he has relevant paranoia to disseminate and hopes he can build up a new posse for Mulder with baby agents and Skinner? I mean, he already killed off the Lone Gunmen, so who is he imagining as Mulder's back-up? Mulder's nothing without Scully. Everyone knows this.


jimbobjoe February 7 2018, 16:55:40 UTC
Yup, yup, yup.


draycevixen February 6 2018, 22:06:34 UTC
I've been watching the new series only because of my deep and abiding love for the early seasons of the original show *before* Carter screwed up the plot entirely and, well, the love for Mulder/Scully. It's not very good and without Anderson I'm out.


blythechild February 7 2018, 13:42:02 UTC
Exactly. Last season and this one have been terrible. Real tin foil hat stuff. But my love for Mulder and Scully brings me back (because the one thing that's still there is the snark). If Scully's gone I am as well, because unlike when David left the show, I don't think he can carry it forward on his own.


cherie_morte February 7 2018, 15:03:10 UTC
For fucking real. I feel full of bitterness and hate every second I watch that *doesn't* involve cuddling.


blythechild February 7 2018, 15:14:32 UTC
Me too *sigh*


cherie_morte February 7 2018, 17:22:13 UTC


blythechild February 7 2018, 18:30:26 UTC
Yeeeeeesssssssssssssss there is ;) Scully totally rules the roost of that relationship. SCULLY SAYS WHEN AND HOW MUCH CUDDLING!


umadoshi February 7 2018, 15:44:14 UTC
*deploys a perfect icon*


blythechild February 7 2018, 15:50:21 UTC
LOL! I love it ;D


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