This is sorta a long story

Jan 17, 2018 16:39

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Sooooooooooooo, long ago when dinosaurs roamed freely and I was in art school, I had a project that involved making a children's book character that was "non-tradition" (read: NOT cute, NOT furry, NOT IN ANY WAY adorable). I didn't have kids, didn't plan to, and didn't want to be a children's book illustrator, so this assignment really sucked. I'd ( Read more... )

wait...what?, people who haz tha phunny, friends, the mind is a terrible thing to taste, crazy sh*t my husband says, jazz, youtube, video, synap, art, weirdness

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Comments 6

amberdreams January 17 2018, 22:06:00 UTC


blythechild January 18 2018, 14:40:33 UTC
I know, right?!?


brumeier January 18 2018, 14:18:23 UTC
This will probably be the best post I read all day, if not all week! Here Comes Seatbelt! ::chair dancing at work::


blythechild January 18 2018, 14:40:15 UTC
Yeah, I think Seatbelt is here to stay ;D


draycevixen January 18 2018, 17:11:00 UTC
Couple in-jokes are always the best.

There was some terrible Jackie Collins(?) novel where the lead bloke was names Spider... yes, my mind does tend to wander.


blythechild January 18 2018, 17:15:08 UTC
Man, I'd kill to have a Jackie Collins career: paid to create salacious shit. That would be the BEST.


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