"A crisis of male culture"

Oct 13, 2017 09:52

I've been watching the Harvey Weinstein stuff with a jaded eye. A lot of people are enjoying this schadenfreude moment and feeling superior about one man's heinous life. There's not a lot of deep diving going on about the larger issues surrounding powerful, predatory men and what women have to do to survive in their spheres of influence. Then I saw ( Read more... )

asshole douchebaggery, youtube, video, current events, stop the world - i wanna get off, assholes

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Comments 2

vegawriters October 13 2017, 15:28:08 UTC
This has been building for a long time. And I just hope that these conversations keep happening and dominos keep falling. Because I'm worried it's a moment that will all be over soon, you know. But twitter has been full of conversations about it, extending into what women of color deal with on the daily, and that's been fantastic.

But in the meanwhile, I've got a whole novel about it waiting to be sold. ;)


blythechild October 13 2017, 17:15:51 UTC
Invariably there will be media fatigue about this. For the people who suffered over this (and continue to suffer in other situations) it's an extremely important moment. But those not directly effected will get distracted and wander away. Part of why this has gotten so big are the personalities involved. If this were an event based in the world of high finance, or medicine, or academia (and it DOES happen in all of those places too), no one would care. Sad but true. As soon as pretty, famous people get involved, suddenly it's interesting ( ... )


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