February Challenge: Things I Love - Day 3

Feb 03, 2016 17:17

Today's love is complicated because, at times, I also hate it:


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photoshop, meme, fabulousity, pictures, the element of awesomite

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Comments 11

draycevixen February 3 2016, 22:39:51 UTC
It's one of those things I've always wanted to learn to use but have no real cause to use so it keeps slipping down the list.


blythechild February 3 2016, 22:43:41 UTC
It's a complicated program so I probably wouldn't be so enamoured with it if I didn't use it every day. I'd forget TONS of things if I didn't keep using them over and over. I think that's why PS Elements is popular because many people just want to enhance things, like photos, rather than creating things from scratch.


draycevixen February 3 2016, 22:47:26 UTC
That's the thing, I have no cause to do anything with graphics really... it just always looks really interesting when peering at it over someone's shoulder. :D


blythechild February 3 2016, 22:49:17 UTC
There's tremendous sense of accomplishment, that's for sure. And that's a bit silly considering that what you create is just a data file and nothing more ;)


amberdreams February 3 2016, 22:43:45 UTC
I totally agree about the online service, and I ain't a professional by any stretch of the imagination.


blythechild February 3 2016, 22:47:14 UTC
It's just stupid to expect people to pay REPEATEDLY for something. You don't need the constant upgrades that Adobe insists upon, nor should you have to be online in order to access things like your filters etc. There are times when I'm working onsite that I don't have internet access (like in a hotel ballroom), and I need for the program to work there. We're not always connected but programmers seem to think that we always are. I'll keep using CS6 until it breaks.


amberdreams February 3 2016, 22:48:58 UTC
me too! And hopefully by then they will have come to their senses or someone else will have filled that niche.


chamekke February 4 2016, 07:55:20 UTC
*nods* I'm cheap so I have only a copy of Photoshop Elements at home, but at work I've got access to Photoshop CS6 and it's lovely!

I only wish I had time to learn it properly. We have some great software, but no time to become expert users.

And I'm with you on this cloud/software-subscription arrangement. It's ridiculous to have to be online in order to work with images that are local on your own damn computer. Sheesh.


blythechild February 4 2016, 14:57:29 UTC
Yes, exactly.

I have a subscription to lynda.com and they have tons of very helpful Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign tutorials etc. It might be too much to pay for a casual user but it saves the aggro of hunting down free ones on YouTube etc. which may or may not be helpful. It's a great resource for a company to promote continuing education for their employees because there are group rates for employers.


snailbones February 4 2016, 16:48:08 UTC

Oh yes! I love Photoshop to teeny bits. It drives me potty at times, but it's my own fault for not using it daily and cementing some of its quirks in my brain. As to using a cloud-based version, I spit! No way, uh-uh, so not happening. *g*


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