iTunes Debacle

Dec 03, 2015 12:34

I'm a big music fan but because I'm married to a sound engineer, I don't handle the technology and filing of our huge music collection. It's better if one person curates and the other just follows along - makes for less squabbles that involve "what the hell have you done with all of my 80s hair metal?!?". Anyway, MB has a large, powerful MAC ( Read more... )

asshole douchebaggery, lola, oh come on!, blythe is gonna blow, stop the world - i wanna get off, technical difficulties, angry, computer fall down go boom, music, synap, this is why we can't have nice things, fuck off

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Comments 6

snailbones December 3 2015, 19:52:20 UTC

Oh dear lord - good luck! I love Apple to bits. I adore iTunes... except every time Apple messes with it and the whole thing wobbles and goes belly-up. When it works it's utterly brilliant. When it doesn't... there ain't no reasoning with the beast!


blythechild December 3 2015, 20:01:32 UTC
I think I've wrangled it for now. I still have about a day's worth of files/folders to transfer/upload though, and then I have to reformat my iPod... *eyeroll*


vegawriters December 4 2015, 16:42:52 UTC
What a fucking pain.


blythechild December 4 2015, 16:54:03 UTC
I know. I keep thinking that this situation would be un-fixable if I were my parents' age (my parents can't get their new iPod to stream music for them, for example). At some point technology becomes exclusionary and we will all be on the outside in time.


meesasometimes December 4 2015, 18:59:47 UTC
I'm glad you are winning this battle! I know the horrors, I still keep my music on my desktop with windows media player, because I know it and I love it and I have it figured out, and I have a cheat program to recognize my ipod classic, but I got a windows upgrade that upgraded media player and I can't seem to undo it and my cheat won't work and I can't update anymore on my classic. ugh. It's like you don't understand what moving 50K songs and 6000 podfics takes. I don't even know. I just have this dream where my ipod lasts forever and I never need to do anything


blythechild December 4 2015, 19:24:28 UTC
iPod Classic? Oh man. I bought one of those for MB and he loved it until it died and Apple had phased the Classic out by then >:/ My Lola is a first generation Nano and she's perfect which is why I'm persisting with her. Apple has reduced the iPod options to 'Mini' or 'iPhone Lite' and I hate them both. Anyway, I have now completed the file transfers and reformatted Lola and everything works. I just have to take the handful of MP3s that don't play and get husband to re-record them - that might do the trick.

But still - THIS TOOK ME NEARLY THREE WHOLE DAYS TO COMPLETE! Technology... *shakes head*


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