Dec 02, 2015 11:37

Memo to Show: FUCK. OFF. ALREADY. Do you ever get tired of going to this well?

I'm thinking of rage-quitting you.

- blythe.

Spoilery info about January epsiode of Criminal Minds

asshole douchebaggery, oh come on!, criminal minds, linkity-link-link, shut up!, blythe is gonna blow, stop the world - i wanna get off, this is why we can't have nice things

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Comments 2

vegawriters December 2 2015, 18:50:40 UTC
You know ... I don't even watch this show and I know this is something they pull on Reid like 4 times a season or something. CSI didn't even do this thing to Sara like this and she was a favorite pin cushion.


blythechild December 2 2015, 20:21:02 UTC
They did it 2 seasons ago and then made a big deal about how they weren't going to do it anymore because, YEAH, even non-Reid fans find this tiresome. The show is just satisfied with woobifying an FBI agent in his 30s because it gets a bump in ratings... it's insulting.


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