Back From The Runway

Oct 02, 2015 13:47

I got back from Montreal on Wednesday night but haven't had a break from the OMG-THE-SKY-IS-FALLING-WHERE-HAVE-YOU-BEEN?!? clients until now >:/ In the end, I was unable to escape the airport (part of this was due to the dreadful signage at Dorval which led me on many a merry chase in search of locations that various signs promised and then failed ( Read more... )

stories from the far side, shut up!, stop the world - i wanna get off, annoying bullshit, you've got to be fucking joking, thanks for nothing, synap, this is why we can't have nice things, stupidity, wait...what?, friends, blythe is gonna blow, thanksgiving, work, travel, fuck you universe, your stupid is showing

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Comments 1

draycevixen October 2 2015, 23:13:08 UTC
I'm always stunned by hotels and public spaces that don't appear to be designed to be people friendly. WTF were they thinking?

The Hilton at Heathrow has all sound proofed rooms... but then you're paying for the Hilton so I suppose that makes sense.

Glad you made it home safely and I hope you have fun at tomorrow's event. ♥


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