Lightly shredded parts of my brain

May 25, 2015 16:26

I spent this weekend being blue. Yeah, sorta actively engaging with it, which is just plain silly. So I stopped. These things happen - I have a) recently completed a big story which always leaves me a bit out of it afterwards, b) folks I respect are grieving/having a hard time and some of that has transferred to me despite my best efforts, c) I've ( Read more... )

criminal minds, stop the world - i wanna get off, list, the mind is a terrible thing to taste, youtube, video, unsolicted opinions, blurgleweegsnazzer, fandom, person of interest, wait...what?, personal trivia, friends, meme, toronto, supernatural, the element of awesomite, procrastination, your shit is crazy

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Comments 13

dionne_2k May 25 2015, 20:37:28 UTC
I generally don't care for JLH, so I was worried about them casting her. I was glad to be proven wrong, as she was a huge improvement over Jeanne Tripplehorn (whom I've loved since the 90s, and couldn't believe I hated so much on CM)! So, I'm sad to see JLH go, but I truly hope that they find someone new who will stick. I wish they'd bring in another person of color, because I'm tired of Morgan being the token black guy, but this is CBS, so what did I expect?


blythechild May 25 2015, 20:51:37 UTC
I like Jeanne Tripplehorn too, but, like you, I disliked her on CM as well. She was just... grating. I was very leery of JLH because of that whole Ghost Whisperer foolishness, but I really like Callahan, and perhaps that's because she has a touch of Prentiss about her. I haven't heard if JLH's departure is temporary or not - I honestly hope she returns, mostly because I don't want them to break in yet another new cast member. It's getting ridiculous.

It would be great to get another POC team member, but I suspect you are right re: CBS.


thesmallhobbit May 25 2015, 21:09:40 UTC
I'm disappointed Forever was cancelled - on the other hand at least it means a second season doesn't undo all the good parts of the first. Henry & Abe was such a brilliant relationship.


blythechild May 26 2015, 14:11:38 UTC
You're definately a 'glass half full' person re: Forever ;)

Henry and Abe were so lovely that I'm tempted to write some fix-it fic because I love their banter so much...


dionne_2k May 25 2015, 21:13:57 UTC
JLH's departure is definitely permanent enough that she's not returning for season 11. From what I've read AJ's maternity leave will be for a few episodes (similar to her first pregnancy), but not the entire season or anything drastic.


blythechild May 26 2015, 14:21:45 UTC
Yeah, I heard the same thing re: JLH, but with her gone and Cook inevitably playing less of a role up to her due date, it's gonna be all boys all the time. As much as i love them, that seems like a bad idea.


sandrasfisher May 25 2015, 22:08:14 UTC
Forever is a great show and will be greatly missed. Supernatural lost interested in watching the show....and don't plan on watching it anytime soon.

Person of Intrest have a few episode to watch to catch up.

Criminal Minds I have a lot of episode to watch to catch up to be current. I don't care much for the women of the show storyline somehow all of them have rubbed me the wrong way. There are any two acception to that statement. Garcia and Callahan they are very interesting to watch. I do care about their storyline. As far as I am concern with Jareau, I am more interested in her husband then her.


blythechild May 26 2015, 14:19:03 UTC
I didn't care for Blake or Seaver but have a soft spot for Prentiss because she was what Elle was meant to be like, but handled by a better actor. And I do like Callahan a lot - I sincerely hope that JLH returns after her mat leave.

I think that CM has done a disservice to J.J. as a character by turning her away from the empathetic person of earlier seasons into this harder, colder agent who returned from her hiatus with the State Department. Maybe it made sense to them at the time, but they ruined her. In general, they need a character who can soften all of the hard edges of the others. The show tends to stumble under the weight of its own seriousness, which is why Garcia is so invaluable to the cast.


draycevixen May 26 2015, 16:23:34 UTC
*high fives you for the Batman* :D ( ... )


blythechild May 26 2015, 16:43:56 UTC
The thing is that I really liked Callahan's family - they were good casting choices and I was happy to have a peek into a functioning family on the show. But I found the level of malevolence directed at Callahan by the human trafficker for a throw-away act that was mentioned in passing 20 episodes previously to be waaaay beyond the pale. Also, if her damned niece was so savvy as to attempt to manipulate her captor (and I call bullshit on that play), why would she not be wary of meeting someone she'd only ever texted with? Seriously, dumb shit is dumb. I just hope that they follow-up on the creepy math genius who gave himself up after turning Hotch's brain inside out in "Mr. Scratch", 'cause that is a big ol' juicy piece o' plot...

I really don't get the point of Ginger WASP at all, and she makes me so angry every time she's onscreen doing a lousy job of getting inside John's head that I want to sit her down, feed her a sandwich, and ask her if she got her medical degree from a school in the Carribean.


draycevixen May 26 2015, 17:01:22 UTC
See, that's the thing, she taught her niece how to do all that and her niece still fell for that BS? She's not a naive kid anyway you cut it.

That's why I'm suspicious of Iris. This show has done a really good job with its female characters and yet we're supposed to believe this one would just throw all her principles aside to get involved with a patient? And while I can easily believe Reese might have one night stands and be involved with people like Zoe, who knows the score if not the details, I don't think he'd get involved with someone like Iris while lying to her. Nope. I don't buy it anymore than Zoe did. *g*


blythechild May 26 2015, 17:08:54 UTC
I KNOW! I mentally high-fived Zoe when she called John on his shit ;)

I just can't picture Iris being a Samaritan agent and, if she isn't, then what is the point of her? She's not around enough to get into trouble, and can we really see her being a useful asset if she ever got read into what Finch, Reese and Root are up to? Nope, no way.


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