I can't believe I just spent an hour doing that

Dec 08, 2013 13:55

2+ hours spent updating a fandom overview for crack_van and then finding all of the links and posting a rec in said fandom. Jesus, I've written stories in less time! CM - never doubt how much I love thee!

So, after several weeks of writer's block, I starting writing another story that probably shouldn't exist (thanks, crimsontoad, weirdo bunker fic is coming…) and ( Read more... )

to do list, bad idea?, the state of the blythe, youtube, woulda shoulda coulda, video, synap, this is why we can't have nice things, fandom, creative brain stuff, movies, fanfiction, friends, nicer places than here, sports, write something you miserable fuck, writer's block, things that make you go hmmm

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Comments 2

draycevixen December 8 2013, 21:54:41 UTC

I saw your contributions to the crack_van as I scrolled past and thought that truly was a labour of love.

Glad to hear that you're writing again at that your team one.

As someone who is spoilerphobic I'm skipping the vid, even thought I sort of already know what it contains as the poster at the AH com pretty much gave it away anyway.


blythechild December 8 2013, 22:16:58 UTC
Yeah, the vid isn't that spoilery but I thought it best to warn just in case. It's cackletastic though ;)

I'm pissed about the end of crack_van and I'm generally pissed that CM hasn't been featured there in over 3 years. Meanwhile, I'm scrolling through Sentinel entries every month and b.s. Hockey RPF instead. Arrrgh... whatever - ignore me. I'll do my best while I still can.


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