Mondaymondaymonday... *sigh* Mondaymondaymonday...

Oct 21, 2013 13:35

Mondays blow. But this might help - it's a compilation of truck crashes at the same intersection in Durham, North Carolina for the last 5 years. It's a low bridge, see? And there's a sign that warns about the height clearance, but the sheer volume of footage that this local has accumulated suggests that most folks aren't aware of the maximum ( Read more... )

stories from the far side, eyebrows of doom, psa, transit chaos, apocalypse watch, bazinga!, stop the world - i wanna get off, annoying bullshit, you've got to be fucking joking, youtube, video, this is why we can't have nice things, knock me over with a feather, perception is illusion, stupidity, wait...what?, america, oh come on!, action, fucktwittery, technical difficulties, dumb people, transpo, omgwtf, mondays, your stupid is showing

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Comments 3

minouette October 23 2013, 15:06:20 UTC
This is actually pretty stunning. I've spent a huge amount of time shipping huge an heavy items and thus know a bunch of freight forwarders and truck drivers (and in fact my grandfather ran a trucking company) and there seem to be a large number of seriously incompetent truck drivers in that video... or, the sign is wrong and that bridge is lower than stated (like, maybe they re-paved the road). I mean, the RV drivers I can understand... this isn't their living and many of them are, ahem, a certain age. Most of the truck drivers I've met are professional, and the yahoos are the exception.

In the physics department basement parking lot/loading bay they suspend a steel beam to warn trucks "if you hit this beam you will smash into the ceiling in front of you". They specifically hang the beam a few inches too low. I think short of raising the bridge or digging out the underpass, that might be their best bet.


blythechild October 23 2013, 15:13:29 UTC
There were some (presumably) pro truck drivers in that video but there were also a TON of people who had truck rentals. MB has rented several trucks for moving and stuff over the years and he's always made note of the top clearance in case of low overpasses or car garage ceilings - but that's probably not the norm for a U-Haul renter, ya know?

I think that this video just highlights that most humans aren't too bright in general ;)


minouette October 23 2013, 15:19:04 UTC
There were a whole lot of Peske trucks, a regular shipper who should employ professionals, and one would think, start warning drivers after a few or certainly half a dozen of 'em crashed into a single bridge!

But, yeah, the renters and the RV people are much less surprising. Though, having been a passenger in a variety of trucks (not just the UHaul but the transport trucks), you are so much higher off the ground so that BASIC DEPTH PERCEPTION should alert them to the problem. So, not just none-too-bright, but also, none-too-observant?


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