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Comments 4

GUFFAW gasolinequeen August 19 2010, 20:05:44 UTC
I cannot stop laughing, seriously, that is sooooo funny. Unquestionably hot, true (is this an example of this 'slash' thing you girls keep talking about?), but also hysterically funny, Bill's pout and pose w/ Erik is a bit too much. Gawd that's funny!!!!! Did you make that? Kudos! I would seriously enjoy being the Sookie filling in that yummy vamp sandwich...


Re: GUFFAW blythechild August 19 2010, 20:11:38 UTC
Yes, its slash (although most of the time the term refers to guy-on-guy fiction). Femslash refers to girl-on-girl.

I did not do this manip but I certainly could have - its well within my abilities. I just love that Bill got noticably shorter from the threesome to the twosome, and he inherited Sookie's thighs ;)


Re: GUFFAW gasolinequeen August 19 2010, 20:45:16 UTC
Ok, at least I got the slash bit right. And yes Bill's got some great gams for a male vamp eh?

I was very pleased to learn that the actor who plays Erik is A) Swedish and B) was a member of the Navy back home. For some reason these are good things and only add to his deliciousness. I'm sure he looked very dashing in his uniform.


Re: GUFFAW blythechild August 19 2010, 20:54:47 UTC
And when he's not being omnisexual and blood thristy, he voices the main character on a Swedish children's cartoon. You'd never know it was him, his voice gets reeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaally high...


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