I wanna thank Team Canada for shaving 5 years off my life...

Feb 28, 2010 18:07

Guys! Talk about a close game! fuck-a-doodle-doo...

And Sidney: you never call, you never write, but you are forgiven because you score when it counts. You too, Jarome.

'scuse me, I'm gonna go lie down for a while.


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Comments 8

reqbat February 28 2010, 23:20:42 UTC
blythechild March 1 2010, 15:14:54 UTC
dood, our HONOUR depended on it! Much more important ;)


minouette March 1 2010, 15:21:33 UTC
Minouette does not like it when I shout talk to the television, but she did not even get up for snack until the end of the second period.

Toewes is amazing.

I loved the interview: "Sidney tell us about the goal. What happened?"
"I don't know.... I wasn't looking. ....uh..... I think it went in the 5-hole."


blythechild March 1 2010, 15:28:29 UTC
Toewes IS amazing, and so bloody young!

When Canada scored the second goal, I yelled so loudly that Orbit leaped straight up in the air from a dead sleep and started barking.

Sid... ♥


Congratulations Canada!!! mercurylass March 1 2010, 01:10:12 UTC
But at least we made you work really, really hard for it! No freebies in hockey!!!


Re: Congratulations Canada!!! blythechild March 1 2010, 15:23:04 UTC
Yes, nothing like coming from behind for victory. After the lambasting that we took in the US press after losing a qualifying match to y'all, national honour was on the line. Plus, the women had already shown the men how to do it days before, and those from the team that came to watch that match looked worried - like, if we don't do this, we'll be the laughing stock of hockey.

And there was an element of theater to it too: reclaiming our throne. Hockey really IS religion up here, and more than any other country no matter how dedicated - hockey is OUR GAME.

Gotta say tho, the US team played like mad fucking dogs and Ryan Miller is simply amazing. We never underestimated the Americans - they were the only opponents that we could face in the final. That was the best game that I've seen in years.


gasolinequeen March 1 2010, 15:13:32 UTC
I was just chatting with one of the girls at the coffee shop, is SidneyC for real? Dude has won a Gold and a Cup, and I think he's young enough to be my biological son... like, too much...


blythechild March 1 2010, 15:25:29 UTC
I admitted to MB that I liked me some Sid Crosby and he said that made me a cougar. A cougar! The kid's only 22!!! It made me feel old and predatory at the same time (which is both good AND bad, really).


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