Who Are You on True Blood?

Aug 20, 2009 13:34

You Are Eric
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meme, trueblood

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Comments 15

ah ha ha ha! faunalia August 20 2009, 17:57:03 UTC
I tried it twice too... I'm practically the least cool character on the whole show (I liked it better on FB's test when I came out as Sam, though I'm not much like him either...

You Are Bill
... )


Re: ah ha ha ha! blythechild August 20 2009, 18:08:34 UTC
Actually, if I had been really honest about how uninteresting I think that I am, I would've scored Bill too. But, you gotta admit that you are complex, misunderstood and would like to live an uncomplicated life with the person that you love...


Re: ah ha ha ha! faunalia August 20 2009, 18:33:00 UTC
ironically I chose "I think I'm very special" the first time, and even tried "am special but kinda wish I weren't"...

Us live an uncomplicated life?! are you kidding? I think I'm just more sensible in how I court complexity as an adult... I think I'm more responsible about it all ;)

'sides drayce came out as sookie so I feels better now.


Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear... Eeeeeek! draycevixen August 20 2009, 18:21:12 UTC

You Are Sookie

... )


Re: Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear... Eeeeeek! blythechild August 20 2009, 18:26:15 UTC
oh noes. Do it again - you sooooooooo aren't Sookie!


Re: Oh dear, oh dear, oh dear... Eeeeeek! draycevixen August 20 2009, 18:51:41 UTC

I tried but I got the same result again. :(


reynardin August 20 2009, 19:59:32 UTC
You are cool, calculating, and very hard to read. Check!
Power is your only concern. Well no, you like to relax with books too.
People find you extremely intimidating but also very fascinating. Others are drawn to your strength. You can be both intimidating AND fascinating!

You see most humans as pawns in your game. The only people you respect are those who have more power than you. Well, I always suspected we were mere pawns in your master plan...

You are aggressive and a go-getter. You're not content to sit around and let things happen. You like to make things happen. See, this is really true.


blythechild August 20 2009, 20:37:11 UTC
"Power is your only concern. Well no, you like to relax with books too." ---> ROFLMAO! Yeeeeeessssssss, sometimes I like to knit as well...

Are y'all pawns or prawns?


minouette August 20 2009, 21:37:10 UTC
actually, I think R. is right ... about the books (& boots) too ;)


blythechild August 20 2009, 21:43:49 UTC
How have I managed to give off such an erroneous impression of myself for all of these years?!?


(The comment has been removed)

blythechild August 20 2009, 20:38:34 UTC
Lafayette ROCKS!

Godric was lovely, but being deeply dead kinda puts a kink in his coolness factor...


mercurylass August 20 2009, 21:37:58 UTC
:-( Heads out to BB to snag first season as I'm clueless and want to play too!

You kids have fun drinking blood.


blythechild August 20 2009, 21:45:30 UTC
OMG! Go watch it NOW!!!! (but not with your little one, mmmkay?)


mercurylass August 21 2009, 01:05:47 UTC
Snagged it! Only one copy in the whole store and it had just been checked in. Fate.

I rented Coraline for GK with the 3D glasses. I'm sure that's scary enough.


blythechild August 21 2009, 14:03:10 UTC
Its not the scary that I'm worried about, its the S.E.X. (in TB, not Coraline. omg, could you imagine?!?)...


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