A Week In The Life of Blythechild, Vol. IV + V

Jun 10, 2008 19:11

So, I forgot the camera at work last night. Day 4 will encompass shots from day 4 + 5 ( Read more... )

vol. 4, vol. 5, a week in the life of blythechild, pictures

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Comments 15

minouette June 10 2008, 23:52:16 UTC
I don't know... I'm partial to Cafe Brasilliano.


blythechild June 10 2008, 23:54:55 UTC
Cafe Brasilliano is a bit inconsistent and their beans tend to be acidic. Dark Horse roasts their beans in the east end and they have a lovely smokey, caramel flavor. My mouth waters just thinking about it...


minouette June 10 2008, 23:56:52 UTC
Well... they make a mean latte. My brother, who works weird hours in the film industry insists that all the cabbies in town hang out there at 3 am and they should know (having access to the entire city). :)


espresso is serious business where I come from... blythechild June 11 2008, 02:06:49 UTC
I'm not really a latte kinda girl - the aftertaste of milk is a bit yucky, especially when burnt. Plus, cabbies go to whatever is open, convenient and will put up with their non-tipping asses. No offense to your brother (or you), but cabbies are no indictor of taste in my book.


LOVE the serene trampoline-ing elephant faunalia June 11 2008, 00:06:45 UTC


Re: LOVE the serene trampoline-ing elephant blythechild June 11 2008, 02:08:41 UTC
yeah, me too - I ripped it off a friend who's an elephant connoisseur ;)


zenrin June 11 2008, 02:50:29 UTC
You have a Batman zipper pull on your bag......You so cool Blythe!

I have a plant like that, they take abuse really well!

I think you desk looks pretty clean. Are those your new spectacles?

What are those guys doing?


blythechild June 11 2008, 02:58:38 UTC
Peace Lilys do take quite a beating - but their miraculous recovery makes me seem like a Green Wizard to my co-workers ;)

My desk gets covered in crap as the day progresses in conjunction with my stress/caffeine level (those are my old specs - new ones are on order).

The guys are valets at a fancy restaurant on King St. East. Lots o' valets, no cars to park = futility.


someotherathena June 11 2008, 04:42:11 UTC
hehe.... jillys....did i ever mention that i've been there twice?


did you come armed with $5 bills? blythechild June 11 2008, 14:19:39 UTC
I've been in there too - with my Mom *facepalm*. She was consulting with the owners about a reno job about 15 years ago. It was much nicer then...


Re: did you come armed with $5 bills? someotherathena June 11 2008, 18:26:44 UTC
haha no....sitting in sniffers row is for pervs!


sign_of_milky June 11 2008, 05:40:41 UTC
Oh I laughed so hard at the picture of 'Fox'!
Do you really look like her? I bet you have a red hair! ;)

and what are those guys with same outfit?
jehovah's witness? no they don't wear yellow tie and hat like that... humm...


blythechild June 11 2008, 14:21:41 UTC
I DO have red hair, and I'd probably look like that... but not naked. not at work, at least.

The guys are valets at a restaurant. The restaurants been there for 25 years but I've NEVER seen valets out front before.


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