My friend and I have signed up for Hike for Discovery. Hike for Discovery is a program through the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. Participants train for a three-day hiking expedition at the Grand Canyon, while raising money to support the Society.
I'm really excited about it. I'm excited about training everyday and losing weight. I'm excited about going on this great active trip with my friend. And the best part is that it is not just a selfish act. I'm actually going to be helping a good cause in the process. How fabulous is that?
I've already started walking the hills around my house, and we had our first team track training on Thursday (although it was more of a meet and greet than a training). Tomorrow will be our first group hike, and that will be a lot of fun.
Anyway, I have to get started on the fundraising right away. So I'm putting it out there. Can you help me out?
Anyone who donates $25 or more will get a copy of a six page, 4"x5.5" chapbook of my poetry. I'm going to add art and collage to make it really nice.
I will also send you a receipt, because, hey, it's tax deductible.
If you want to learn more, or are interested in making a donation you can go to my fundraising page: Thank you, even if all you did was read this, thank you. :)