True Blood S3 x03

Jun 27, 2010 23:15

This episode gets a big WTF from me tonight.  No quotable quotes for this episode... I barely remember any. I've got to get some stuff off my chest...

OMG  who is writing this stuff?   This series jumped back into the craziness of the later half of last season for me tonight (that's not good b/c those last bits of last season were sucked, imho).  That last image is burned into my brain!  Jeez... I had to watch through my fingers.

It is an understatement when I say that I was bit skeezed out with the very angry vampire sex/f-ing - capped off a plasticman-esque neck twist job during aforementioned vamp sex.... The episode ends with Bill screaming insanely in the aftermath... As a woman, it was especially viscerally disturbing.  A line was crossed with this one, people!!

One could attempt to reason out his "rough treatment" of Lorena:  Lorena wants Bill, but Bill doesn't and yet she still insists on "loving" him which makes Bill hate her even more for her manipulation and her attempts on Sookie's life.....  So we get this scene??  Geez, does Lorena have no self-respect at all?  I don't get the sex... Why doesn't he just kill her?  Is it because they are vampires?   I still don't know how to digest this.  It's indigestible!  I'd like to send this scene back please!

Upon further reflection though and with attempts at a lighter note, this episode was not all bad. 
1.  I must say that Sookie has never looked better, and I loved her greenish dress and that lace top
1.5  Sookie and Tara become besties again. 
2.  We finally meet Alcide and he is hot.  Sookie and Alcide look pretty good together... There's definite chemistry there... :)
3.  Eric is still really, really good looking and I am still enjoying his scenes as usual. Serious Eric expressions, Eric walking Sookie back to her house and Eric patting the car seat... :P 
4.  We also get introduced to the wolf version of a biker bar and we see lots of leather, except instead of a bsdm crowd like in the vamp bars, we get tattooed biker-types.
5.  Franklin's still off-putting, but his scene with Jessica was probably the funniest of the evening (aside from the Sheriff's temper tantrum...) Who's got bigger fangs?  I do!   The scene with "anyone go missing lately?"  was kind of like watching a parent try to get a child who's got chocolate all over her face to admit to eating that cake she was forbidden to eat. 
6.  We also find out that Pam really is a lesbian and it's not all talk.
7.  Terry is not the father!!  Terry mistakenly assumes he's the father during Arlene's announcement and Arlene doesn't correct him!

Other side notes, Jason's psychological scenes are getting lame... I want to him to do fun Jason-antics.  Bring on the girls!  Did anyone notice that Bill's hair is getting lighter?  He does look better in this episode, something to do with less cakey makeup?  I hope Sam's story gets better.  His biological parents are horrible...

I know they want to pack in a lot of things in every episode, but the multitudes of story lines make it not only hard to follow, but I also feel like I have ADHD while watching it.  I don't know how they will manage with practically doubling the size of the cast....  I hope next week's episode will be a heck of a lot better.

season 3, true blood

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