Am typing with one hand right now because I'm busy waving around my Pokewalker in the other.
Anyway, while taking one of many breaks from studying, I watched a couple more random Pokemon episodes which has once again instilled me with a burning need to BREED ADORABLE POKEYMANS
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Okay half the world has already posted about the new Pokemon Black and White legendary things (things, because I have no idea wtf they're supposed to be or represent), BUT YEAH FOR THE RECORD I LIKE THEM AND I WANT THE BLACK ONE
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I BEAT RED. FFFFFF I was reasonably sure that I was going to win since my team was around level 68 after beating my rival again and another Elite 4 run-through, but still. IT WAS INTENSE
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Today, with some agonizing over wanting a Belly Drumming Snorlax for no other reason than that it's an awesome mental image, I got my Munchlax to evolve after running around a lot on a bike and feeding it some expensive-ass vitamins. Unfortunately a few failed attempts to get it to evolve at exactly level 17 may or may not have screwed up my EV
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I am sort of not grounded but am still treading carefully, so to speak. And school starts this week and I am sad and the sky is going to be gloomy all week or something so CLEARLY nature is reflecting the blah-ness of school starting.
Also I've sort of spent my whole day breeding Wailmer because I want a goddamn Wailord and I'll be damned if I don
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Public Service Announcement: Dear friends list, I'm sorry that you are being subjected to nothing but Pokemon posts and forced to wear out your scroll buttons or page down or down arrow keys or other scrolling mechanism of choice trying to escape me
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Somehow at Ten Ren's today I got to go on a huge long rambling rant/general flail over Pokemon, which is like my favourite thing to do. AND OF COURSE MY FRIENDS LOL AT MY FLAIL BUT ARE ALL JUST JUDGING ME FOR MY LOVE OF POKEMON BEYOND THE AGE OF 10
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Arghhh my brain has forgotten how to study /o\ And despite the pseudo-freedom I'll have after I do my exam tomorrow morning I'm not technically free because I haven't done my taxes yet and I also need to mow the lawn before classes start up again before the damned backyard turns into a jungle. GO ME \o
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I GOT MY SHINY DITTO. \o/ And then broke my chain accidentally when I tried to get another one since I had like 300 repels left anyway. >_>; BUT WHATEVER, I HAVE ONE
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