1. Not much has been going on with me lately. I can't find any Project Runway episodes after 3x08. I finally got around to watching the Terminator movies and it has made me appreciate and love T:TSCC a million more times than I already did. But then when I'm done with that...
Poll 2. (
icons )
Comments 15
Also, I REALLY must have your default cameron icon. I've uploaded it shamelessly but let me know if its not shareable k?
Also #2, I would have said dark angel but that show doesn't have a true ending because it was axed. It still leaves me unsatisfied so it depends on if you don't mind that.
You can absolutely steal it and for the reference, all of my icons are 100% shareable :) I'd love to see T:TSCC art from you, by the way
As long as it was awesome while it was on air, that's good for me. :D
I'll probably just make up my own satisfying ending anyway, that's what I did for this season finale of Doctor Who. I realised it was really awesome, but only if I ignore half of the the episode and added in extra scenes of my own :P
And I voted for Veronica Mars and Alias. Because I'd love to see what kind of icons you could make out of those shows, especially VM, plus they are amazing and you need to watch them:)
There were many ties with the votes, but your VM and Alias pushed them over the top, so they're what I'm most likely going to watch :D
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