Title: The Unfailingly Noble
Author: BlueWhit
Characters: Sylar/Claire
Category: Romance
Word Count: 4, 008
Rating: PG-13 (this fic, though not necessarily this chapter, contains language, mild violence, and consensual sexuality)
Disclaimer: Nope, don't own it.
Warnings: Contains occasional references to events or dialogue in any given season
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Comments 17
I am literally hooked. The characters are so true to the series, and you never write boring parts that I have to scroll through. What I really, really, really love is that you can write in 3rd person and still magically jump from Sylar's POV to Claire's at any given time.
I love this fic to pieces, and I will review every chapter when I get a chance, but in the meantime, PLEASE continue!
"you never write boring parts that I have to scroll through" That's good to hear, because as much as I hate to admit to being so very ADHD, I know exactly what you're talking about, lol. I feel like I've ripped so many talented fic authors off by scrolling through their painstakingly written "boring parts." *Sigh* I'm awful.
Your comment about the POV is especially welcome, because sometimes I'm a little worried about how that comes off, whether it's smooth enough or not.
Thank you all around, kikamontanez, and of course you don't have to worry about reviewing every single chapter. I know what a hassle that can be when you read a rather large piece straight through. It's nice enough of you to read and let me know you're enjoying it. That's more than a lot of people do, lol. :)
I LOVE this story, adore it SO much. :)
Your story just seems more realistic to me when it comes to those 2. I like the dialogue, the sass...it is just an enjoyable read.
I am working on 2 Sylar fics, one is Sylar/OC and has a lot of Claire and other Heroes characters in it etc... and I enjoy writing for Claire as well!
Please update soon...
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