[fic] tricks out of our sleeves (pt. 1)

May 12, 2012 15:28

Title: tricks out of our sleeves
Rating: PG
Characters/Pairing: Zoro/Sanji (maybe...... if you squint..... possibly)
Word Count: ~7000
Summary: Another inexcusably late birthday fic, this time for the wonderful c_callosum, who requested Zoro/Sanji or Sanji/Usopp and MANLY H/C!!(!!!!!!) For my first officially, exclusively ZoSan fic, this actually reads ( Read more... )

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Comments 13

c_callosum May 13 2012, 05:38:04 UTC
Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! This is AWESOME, I'm so touched that you wrote such an amazing (and long!) fic for me ( ... )


bluewalk May 14 2012, 02:12:36 UTC
This fic just really got away from me, but in a good way! 95% of Zoro's part was written in one sitting, and it was just fun to write. Fun probably isn't the best word to use when ripping out the fictional hearts of pirates (or is it??), but... fun it was XD

I'm so glad it kept you from beginning to end! Hopefully I'll get everything wrapped up nice and neat and in a timely fashion >_> As for Sanji's turn....... RRRRRRRG is about all I have to say on the matter right now =_=

Thank you thank you thank you! I-I'm sorry that it's not what you expected, BUT I HOPE THIS WILL ALSO BE SATISFACTORY, CALLOSUM-SAMA.

Hope you've been well! &heartshearts&hearts


c_callosum May 14 2012, 22:06:17 UTC
95%??? Whoa.......I am in awe. Because my writing goes one paragraph at a time, if it goes at all :-P

> As for Sanji's turn....... RRRRRRRG is about all I have to say on the matter right now =_=

Good luck! I can't wait to read it, but don't stress! Maybe the second half can be next year's birthday present ;-) Hopefully early though! And, btw, is your birthday not listed, because I would like very much to reciprocate somehow!

> I-I'm sorry that it's not what you expected

It's BETTER. Seriously!


Oh hush (re the -SAMA). Of course it is!

As for being well...well, things are extremely busy (end of semester and all that) and things haven't been going as smoothly as I'd want. I've also acquired a new fandom, have some plot bunnies hopping around for it, though I haven't written anything yet. I still have some OP fics I need to finish, too... Anyway, I'll take this over into a PM, don't want to crowd the comments on your fic :-) Hope you've been very well too!


bluewalk May 15 2012, 04:29:13 UTC
It was one of those days that was just perfect for crushing hopes and dreams and young hearts..... I mean what.



marakaki45 May 13 2012, 20:28:08 UTC
I can't wait for the second part!!! X3


bluewalk May 14 2012, 02:13:09 UTC

I'll try not to disappoint in part two!


pngin_lvr May 13 2012, 23:53:59 UTC
Amazing! I love how Sanji reacted to Zoro's past.


bluewalk May 14 2012, 02:14:33 UTC
Thank you!! There were many ways to approach it, but GUILT-COMPLEX was my poison of choice XD


whitecourtain May 14 2012, 02:18:42 UTC
OMFG YES! This was such an awesome story and ooh when they saw the village and heard the cicadas I was immediately like 'This is?Could be?jkahdkjab Zoro's past?!With Sanji witnessing?!!' and I knew this is the fic I always wanted to read. Nakama's in each others past had always been one of my secret angst-fetishesBut the style, the story, the characterization, everything was so perfect and I actually let out a few tears when Kuina died D ( ... )


bluewalk May 14 2012, 02:52:10 UTC

Your comment actually made me laugh out loud, so thank you for that! I am glad I could satisfy your secret fetishes....... WOW in any other context, that would have sounded really questionable. BUT NOT HERE. HERE, THERE IS ONLY PRIDE. XD This was the first thing that came to mind when I got the prompt "manly h/c" and I felt like the most awful person on the planet...... but then I went ahead with it anyway. WHOO.

Anyway, thank you for your kind words!! I'm super relieved to hear that characterization was all right and the whole spiel about Zoro's place made actual sense. And Zoro&Sanji bickering is always a blast to write :D

YES SANJI'S PART IS COMING NEXT but god, it is a trial to write! I shall try my best, and hopefully have all questions answered by the end!


whitecourtain May 14 2012, 20:37:09 UTC
GANBAREE!! \(^-^)/


uftaki May 14 2012, 06:16:17 UTC
ohhh, wow... WOW! This sounds so... _awesome!_ O.O Such an interesting concept! Such possibilities (as clearly shown) for delicious, character-building angst! XD This really was a great character-insight into Zoro... his desperation to change the past, and to save Kuina... then finally coming to be at peace with it. Wonderful! :) Now... what will Sanji face? Since he helped Zoro through this... what will cause him to become just as desperate? *eagerly anticipates the next chapter*


bluewalk May 15 2012, 04:20:30 UTC
Eeee, thank you so much!! You always leave such wonderful comments, and they make me super happy 8D

Angst is indeed delicious, and even more so when it's Zoro and Sanji we're kicking around........ lovingly, of course >_> I thought it would be interesting to explore this part of Zoro's past because he didn't find out about Kuina's death until the day after, and he never really got a chance to "protect her" (and Zoro's very much about protecting people)-- so what would he do if he were "sent back in time" knowing what's going to happen? At first it'd seem like a chance to save her, but LO SADISTIC TWIST, it's not XD;;;;

Next chapter will be up as soon as I can manage! Hopefully it won't take me another five months to find the time to write again =_=


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