This post shall remain public. Prompt me , people !
Basically , I'm bored and terribly out of ideas cause I killed my own plot bunny. D: So I'm leaving this public for you guys to prompt me. When I'm busy , or unable to accept anymore prompts , I shall lock this entry. So long as it's public , anyone can prompt me ~
I write :
1. xKai fics only ! Any
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Comments 8
Don't flood my comments box , honey.
You juz dun wan to tok to me..
Rei bunny x kai?
<333 !
hmm i'm not soo good at angst dear! LOL.
i'd like a uruxkai 8DD or other round HAHAHA! /bricked
and the story will be like, kai being used by uru LOL
/bricked more
okay that was one of my old ideas when i couldnt write T_T my writing muse is really bad DX
I call people lurkers when I'm such a huge lurker as well ! haha !
And I shall work on your prompt as soon as I work on KoonIe's prompt ! and that's a good prompt by the way. 8DD
My plot bunnies have all escaped me , which is why I ended up opening a prompt post. D: Haha , but it's good , I get creative ideas from all the other lurkers stalkers people out there as well. >DD
anytime LOL!
ugh, i have LOTSSS of ideas like seriously from sooo not logic to fantasies and humours. i just couldn't write T_T i'm not born to be a writer ;_;
HEHEHE!! <33333333
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