Title: Boys of Summer: American Waltz Fandom: The Avengers Pairing: Agent Phil Coulson/Steve Rogers (Captain America) Summary: Phil follows through and teaches Steve how to waltz. Rating: PG Disclaimer: Fanfiction.
This is beautiful. 'We'll meet again.' You've made me all teary. I love Phil's instinctive understanding of Steve and his need to mourn, that he wouldn't have had that chance yet. This is gorgeous.
how incredibly intoxicating it is being able to teach Steve Rogers something so timeless, something he wants to learn. It is so much more rewarding than showing him how the Internet works or all the painful ways the city has grown beyond his memory.
Comments 5
please more?
also this brought back my ballroom dance class memories. frustrating. i did like the waltz, though.
Yeah. This.
Thank you!
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