Lipstick Stains

Mar 06, 2011 13:02

Title: Lipstick Stains
Author: Clearheart
Words: 5,500
Rating: M
Description: Sakura's car breaks down on the country road, and her only option for repair is a shady shop with one serious, silver haired mechanic. AU. For the KakaSaku Blindfolded Challenge.


It was days like these that fried lizards to the road. Sakura could nearly feel her brain melt, and hear the unpleasant suction as her thin sandals hissed and sizzled to the black asphalt. Generous heat waves shimmered across the country road-where there was nothing but the endless asphalt path and barren dirt land for miles around. The world was a great frying pan and she was nothing more than a piece of meat. Frying… searing… burning… and was that a vulture she saw circling the sky up ahead?

“Hey, miss. You don’t look so good.”

Itachi and Genma paused, glancing back from their efforts. The two men were stripped down to their waists, having abandoned their shirts a long time ago in favor of risking their skin under the blistering sun. Sakura thought their sweat-slicked bodies were surprisingly well-defined for car mechanics, and she found herself taking enjoyment every time a hardened arm, back, or stomach muscle would ripple as they pushed her car down the road.

Sakura suddenly felt very self-conscious under their gaze. She was aware of how she was probably just as sweaty and dirty as they were, though she did nothing more than trail behind them on the road. The short-shorts and checkered belly shirt she wore for that day were now a shade darker from the dust.

Genma shifted a toothpick around his mouth in a languid way. His partner Itachi seemed even more distant and aloof, though he also carried an air of refined sensibility that followed his every movement.

They didn’t seem tired or breathless at all. Sakura wondered just how many cars they had been forced to push down this highway before, and how many other unfortunate sods had been forced to walk down this same path she had.

“I’m… fine…” Sakura managed to say. In reality she felt hot, tired, and parched; but on the Scale of Misery her look must have been sturdier than the other unfortunate sods of the past, because the two workers merely shrugged in response, then continued heaving her car forward. Black smoke billowed from the front end, and the engine gave an ominous creak and sputter with every push.

Another half hour passed. Sakura counted three more road kill lizards. One of them had its tongue sticking out while the rest of its body was nothing more than flattened mush, and another one reminded Sakura of her second cousin twice-removed’s pet Rango.

A small eternity later, they made it to the shop. From the outside the building appeared small and dingy, but the cool blast of air on the inside was nothing short of heaven. The gravel crunched outside as Itachi and Genma rolled her car through the parking lot.

When Sakura entered through the sliding doors, she found herself blinking against the sudden dark. An announcer’s voice played from a radio in the far off corner. It was a small shop with some vending machines, candy dispensers, and waiting chairs to her right. Her legs were tired and her strappy red purse felt heavy on her arm. With a sigh, she collapsed into a seat, and lifted her sunglasses up into her bubblegum pink hair. She tapped a polished fingernail against the vinyl armrest.

The two men entered a few minutes later. Genma pulled a couple of water bottles from the fridge and pressed one into her hands before disappearing to the back of the shop.

Meanwhile, Itachi circled around the front counter. He beckoned Sakura over.

“Here are some forms you need to fill out,” Itachi said, in a quiet voice. Somewhere along the way he had pulled on another shirt, though he left it unbuttoned.

Sakura stared at the papers. When she seemed hesitant, Itachi pointed a finger at the forms. “Name here.”

Sakura did so, and stumbled through a few more lines, then paused again.

“Just fill out as much as you can,” he encouraged, though his droll voice wasn’t very encouraging.

“I’m uncertain about some of this information,” she admitted. “Can I leave a few lines blank?”

Itachi shrugged. “The boss won’t like that. He’s a real stickler for the rules.”

“Is he?” Sakura said. She might have believed that with the counter so clean and the tiled floor so polished, but the glaring stack of orange magazines by the waiting chairs made her do a double-take the moment she walked through the door.

“Well… some rules are different. But for the most part the boss likes things done in a certain way. Like I said… a stickler.”


Itachi lounged against the countertop. A red cloud tattoo peeked out from the waistline of his pants. “You should have seen what he did to the last customer who walked in here. He was shouting some really filthy things at the boss, and got kicked out... was forced to walk thirty minutes to the next town.”

“What sort of things did he say?”

“Something about the boss being a lazy, perverted, second-rate repair man, who could only try to copy off of what bigger repair shops do.”

“That’s really strange.”


Sakura popped an orange ball of gum into her mouth, which she took from the candy dispensers. The fruity flavor filled the air as she chewed out her feeling of quiet despair.

“Wish you could work for another repair shop, huh?” Sakura asked. She tilted her head towards him in sympathy.

“Well, no. As far as mechanics go, the boss is actually the best. I wouldn’t trade shops for anything.”

“But it sounds like you really hate this place.”

“Oh… I do. But it’s the oppressive system, not the man, that I hate.”

That left Sakura a little more than confused. So she quietly went on chewing her gum, only snapping on a few of the bubbles as she read through the forms.

She scribbled down the rest of the paper, using her absolute worst handwriting in hopes that it would be good enough to satisfy the repair shop for the time being, yet be ambiguous enough to cover up for her lack of knowledge-anything that would fill up the lines and get her on her way.

The way Itachi later glanced over the paperwork revealed none of his thoughts to Sakura, and she could make nothing of his attractive, yet blank face. Either way, he stamped the forms and placed them on top of a stack with the rest before motioning to the back door.

“The boss is in the garage. You can see your car if you want.”

“Is that really okay?”

Itachi shrugged again, which didn’t reassure Sakura in the slightest. In a long history of her car breaking down and having to take them to repair shops, she would have to say that this shop was by far the strangest she had ever been to, and really wasn’t doing much to lift her sense of confidence.

“I thought your boss was a stickler for the rules.”

Itachi’s features turned into a tepid half smile, but he said no more as he left the room. Apparently, there were things to be done in the yard, though what sort of things was left rather vague. To Sakura, he seemed like the sort of man who kept all of his true intentions private… if not completely obscure.

The backroom was dark and warm. Sakura could feel the heat flowing in from beneath the partially opened garage doors. The space was big enough to fit several cars, and through the dark, she could see a few rusted vehicles sitting in the back. Shelves lined the walls-filled with tools and endless car parts. The cement floor was covered in grease and oil. The heady smell of gasoline choked her throat. The first impression Sakura had of the place was that everything was bold, strong, and not to be handled in an idle way.

The sound of clanking metal echoed off of the walls. Her old green Konoha 530 sat in the center. It was no longer spewing out black smoke, though it still looked just as dingy as before. Genma stood by the car, now also fully dressed. At seeing her, he smiled and waved her over in a small gesture. Meanwhile, another man tinkered away at the hood of the car. From what she could see he was tall, lean, and had a well defined body. Though, none of these things were what really caught her attention as she stepped closer.

Instead, Sakura was completely struck by his silver hair. A small leap thumped against her ribcage as the sight of that bright, gleaming hair. She could not explain it. She didn’t know why. But the feeling was there, and she recognized that all too familiar sensation that twisted away at her stomach, as her curiosity burned over this interesting man.

When he pulled back, the raised hood no longer hid his face, and his features were easier to see. He had a straight nose and a clean-cut jaw line. Even though smudges of oil covered his clothes and the lower areas of his cheeks, the filth did nothing to diminish the clean skin of his face. He looked older. At the same time, he seemed young, and there was a fascinating scar that bisected his left eye. The way he stood seemed straight-backed and certain-attractive-but there was nothing arrogant or demanding about his certainty. There was just something so natural about his assumed leadership.

Sakura didn’t realize she was staring. Not until Genma shot her a thumbs up and a sly wink. The toothpick worked its way around to the corner of his mouth as he knocked on the hood of the car.

“So what do you think, Kakashi?”

The silver-haired man-Kakashi, grimaced as he wiped his hands down with a rag. Yet somehow even as he showed his displeasure, Sakura thought there was still something handsome about the way the frown transformed his face and gave him such a serious air.

“To be honest, it’s the worst piece of beat-up crap I’ve ever seen in my life,” Kakashi said. “It’s obvious that it was cycled through many dealers, then fixed with shoddy parts.”

Genma winced. “That bad, huh?”

“I’m surprised it didn’t fall into pieces as you pushed it here.”

“For a while, I was afraid it would blow up in our faces.”

Sakura listened to this small exchange while unscrewing the cap of her bottled water. The outside was slick with condensation and sent water droplets sliding around her fingers and down the bottle. She felt the cold drops hit her chest and then slide down to her stomach. It was miserably hot in the garage, and after walking in the sun it was perhaps the most refreshing water she had ever had. She nearly drained it in one go.

“That’s the owner, by the way,” Genma said, while tilting his head towards Sakura.

Kakashi’s arms were leaning on the car, and his body facing another way, but all he had to do was slightly turn his head to look. Under the full force of his gaze, Sakura was struck again by the scar across his eye. She could almost feel his burning curiosity and keen intelligence as his glance swept across her in an appraising way. His gaze trailed from Sakura’s pink hair to her sandaled shoes and polished toe nails before snapping again to her green eyes.

“Are you really old enough to drive?” Kakashi asked, incredulous.

“I’m twenty!” Sakura snapped. Suddenly, she didn’t feel quite so refreshed or congenial anymore.

“And you’ve taken this car to different repair shops over the years, right?”


“Ever since you could drive?”


Kakashi hung his head forward in thought. “So that would mean three or four years of it getting banged around on by half-baked mechanics. I’m also going to assume that you always opted for the cheapest parts and repair options.”

Sakura wasn’t sure if she was insulted by all of his assumptions, or impressed by his accurate reasoning. Kakashi slammed the hood shut, then turned to Genma.

“This one’s going to take a while to repair. I’d get settled in for the long haul.”

“At least a couple weeks, you think?” Genma asked.

“At least.”

“Whoa, wait a minute!” Sakura sputtered. Her green eyes went wide. “I can’t wait around here for a couple weeks! I need to get across three big cities by daybreak.”

Kakashi frowned. “What for?”

“That’s none of your business,” Sakura snapped. “The point is, I need my car fixed, and I need it fixed now.”

“That’s impossible.”

“No, it’s been done before. So just give me whatever quick patch up I need, and I’ll be on my way.”

“Oh boy.” Genma said. He fixed his collar and stood up a little straighter. “You know what? I think I hear Itachi calling me. So I’ll just let you two sort this out…”

He was surprisingly quick to leave the garage. Only the sound of clanging metal echoed from outside, and drifted in with the heated breeze, but other than that, Sakura could hear no phantom calls for help. It was as if Genma could sense storm brewing in the garage and only didn’t want to get caught up in the earth shattering, lightning hot crossfire.

Kakashi pinched the bridge of his nose. “Look, kid. I don’t think you understand how this works. This problem goes far beyond a quick patch up.”

“My name is Sakura,” she corrected.

He merely looked at her.

And for some reason, Sakura felt a strange twist in her chest. She suddenly had the strong urge to run, squirm, or hide from beneath his steady eyes, but instead of doing any of these things, she jerked her head away and let out a heated huff. Like a wild horse in a bad temper.

She crossed her arms. He continued his steady gaze.

“The car has been driving fine over the past few months. I don’t see why it needs such an extreme repair job now.”

Kakashi sighed. “It was spewing out black smoke twenty minutes ago.”

Sakura remained resolute. “A minor drawback. Nothing you can’t fix by the end of the day, right?”

“There’s a motel down the road. You can check in a room while I put in orders for the car. There are parts that need to be replaced, and it’s going to take four days. At the absolute minimum.”

“I told you. I need to be out of here by nightfall. There’s no way I’m checking into a motel.”

“Well, there’s no way you’re getting out of here unless the parts are replaced. No matter how much you or I will for it to happen, this car is not going anywhere.”

Sakura nearly let out a frustrated scream. Of the times and all the places, her car had to break down here, at this time, at this place, with this man as her only way out. He was telling her that she needed to check into a motel. And like hell she was going to let that happen.

Should she just sell the car, and use the money to buy bus tickets? Even if it was beat up, the neat profit would still be enough to tide her over for a good while. Maybe she could even settle in one of the cities, rent out a place to stay, and find a job.

On the other hand, of all the items in the world, this car was really the last major material possession that was completely and utterly hers. Over the past half year of traveling around from town to town it had become something akin to her home. It was her only certain thing as she went through different cities and different jobs in search of her two closest friends. The cheerful and ever optimistic blonde, and that morose dark-haired boy. Naruto and Sasuke.

They went running off somewhere across the country-with Naruto chasing after Sasuke, and wherever they were now, she was determined to find them, too. All source of contact had been cut off, but now she heard news that Naruto may be three cities away, and how could she ever let an opportunity like that slip her by? She needed to get out there as soon as possible.

While she was deep in thought, Kakashi had started up the car again. The engine hitched, and sputtered, and rumbled, but eventually kicked into somewhat of a steady rhythm. Wisps of black smoke popped up at every two engine turns. He was now fiddling with something under the hood. Only a hint of his silver hair stuck out, and Sakura could see his arms moving.

With forlorn resignation, Sakura took another drink of water. Then searched around her purse for the last remaining stable thing in her life… which was no longer he car, but now her lipstick. Even if her car broke down, at least this small and reliable comfort would never disappoint. Through all the ups and downs of life, she could always rely on this one simple thing. Until it ran out and she needed to buy a new one, of course.

She pulled out a compact mirror and carefully applied the lipstick. Relaxing her lips with practiced ease, then applying the color, she lightly pressed them together to smooth out the look. It glossed on easy with a cool simplicity. After putting the mirror and lipstick away, and combing her fingers through her hair she felt marginally better, and not so much like a dusty mess.

Catching her reflection in the windshield of a nearby car, she flicked her tongue out for a brief moment to catch a hint of the sweet flavor. Then she froze.

Sakura realized that the sound of clanging had stopped, and that Kakashi was staring at her with a transfixed sort of expression. It was as if all his movements had become frozen for that small time he glanced up in her direction, and then became completely caught up, fascinated, by her act of gussying up. Perhaps he had never seen a woman so close putting on lipstick before. Perhaps he didn’t make out with women who wore lipstick.

This time, Kakashi was the one who tore his glance away. Sakura saw him swallow, and then he put all his focus at the job at hand. The clanging sounds continued.

Sakura cautiously approached. She was going to sit out in the waiting area, or maybe check out the motel as Kakashi advised, but now she was drawn with interest to what the mechanic was doing. Maybe she could see for herself what a major job it would be, then console herself with the fact that she had absolutely no choice but to stay, before going on her merry way. But, if she discovered that the damage to the car was anything less than smoking, sparking, or bursting into fire, then she would demand that it was all fixed by nightfall.

Sakura pulled up to his side to peer into the car. The vehicle still rumbled as Kakashi poked around at some gasket. There was a lot of heat and power radiating from the car, but through it all, Kakashi now seemed oddly demure and silent. The contrast was almost startling from before.

“I wouldn’t get too close…” Kakashi warned. Though, he didn’t look at her when he said this.

It did feel hot, and it was a wonder that Kakashi didn’t get burned. From standing this close, Sakura could see the fine sweat on his skin, the marks of grease and oil on his clothes, and the glossy way his hair shined. His muscles moved with every motion. There was a lean strength and sense of hidden control there as he moved around in expertise.

Sakura glanced down at his work, intrigued. The sweet scent of her gum and lipstick rose through the air, cloying, and cutting through the fumes of car parts. The pink color of her hair attracted attention every time she turned to glance at a different part. And even when covered in dust and damp water, her skin still looked smooth. A very faint hint of her musk rose and teased the senses.

Kakashi must have realized that he was staring again, and that they were entirely too close, because all he felt at that moment was the strong desire to lean over and take this girl, Sakura, against the car. He was a man of strong morals and tight control, and yet now, he could feel all sense of reasoning fade away. Things were not grounded. No longer real. This was the same man who stayed in the garage every night to work, and never went out without good reason. And yet now…

He leaned over and kissed her.

It made no sense. She was opening her mouth to ask a question, but the way her lips became partially parted was far too enticing, and the way her green eyes went wide with surprise was far too enjoyable. A guilty pleasure. Kakashi pressed against her red lips, nearly sinking against the sweet smell and taste. Like tasting candy. Except her lips were warm and smooth.

Sakura felt her heart explode in that small moment from a combination of surprise and pleasure. It was as if her heart wanted to stop from the shock, and yet was urged on by adrenaline to beat faster. A thrill shot through her body, and tingled through her fingers and toes, even as a surprised muffled noise rose from her throat. Suddenly, Kakashi was against her, moving his lips against her lips for more access, and gently placing a hand on Sakura’s hip to press her against the side of the car.

The vibrations of the rumbling car went through Sakura’s body, and the sensation of being surrounded by two such strong opposing sources of heat nearly made her faint. She clasped on tight to Kakashi’s shoulders and neck for support. She was unbalanced from being pushed against the car. His hands moved against her hips and exposed stomach in absent minded pleasure, and a rush of uncontrollable incandescent sparks swept through her body.

It was electrifying as he coaxed for more. They become lost in the sensations. She sank into him, and they found themselves kissing for a long time.

Then all at once they broke apart. For a moment, Sakura was lost and confused, and completely out of thoughts or words. Whereas Kakashi appeared completely stricken, as if he had been slapped in the face.

That’s when Sakura realized she probably should slap him in the face.

And she did.

A crack echoed off the walls. Kakashi rubbed his cheek ruefully.

“What are you doing?” she hissed. Confusion quickly receded, and she was taken over by feelings of surprise, horror, and slight awe. She realized that she swallowed her gum sometime during the exchange. Her green eyes were full of anger, with some other indescribable emotion shimmering just below.

“I’m sorry. I don’t know what came over me,” Kakashi apologized. “I should never have done that. It’s just when I saw your lipstick…”

Kakashi never finished.

Because Sakura was against him again, shoving her mouth against him. This time she got a firm grip on his neck and pulled him down, taking him with an insatiable hunger. It was rough and primal. Their hands roamed and explored everywhere-over limbs, and torsos, and muscles. She dragged a hand through his silver hair, and he played with the smooth skin along her sides and stomach.

They broke apart for breath.

Sakura smiled and moved her polished fingers to unbutton his shirt. Before undoing each button, she pressed a kiss next to the button on his blue uniform, leaving behind a trail of bright red, smudged marks. She went slow, taking her time. Meanwhile, Kakashi could feel his breathing become more shallow with every press of her lips to his chest and stomach. His muscles fluttered, and a twinge of pleasure would spark through. His fingers absently found her locks of bubblegum hair, and twisted into the soft silky strands. Everything about this girl reminded him of sweet candy.

When she finished, she dragged her hands along the exposed plains of his chest. Kakashi obligingly discarded the shirt, letting it drop to the ground, before returning the favor of running a trail of kisses down Sakura’s neck and to the hollow of her throat, and collarbone, and beyond. Then he was on her lips against, tasting that unbearable sweetness.

Everywhere Sakura’s lips touched left a stain of red. She left marks along his neck and shoulders. Her fingers scraped across his skin and her palms went across the hardened peaks of his chest. She enjoyed leaving these marks so much that it was difficult to get her to stay upright. Kakashi only wanted to plunder her mouth, and enjoy the tangy, honeyed warmth that he liked best. He never found a girl’s mouth to be so flavorful or addicting. It made time stop, and he become caught up in Sakura’s scent, the pliable feeling of her body, and the sensation and feelings of her mouth and lips.

Each time he pressed his mouth against hers it was different. There was a different feeling, and taste, and emotions. Sometimes a sound would vibrate and echo through the hollow of her throat. Sometimes the heated passion would turn to soft languor. Regardless of the type, each one was just as enticing and entreating as the last. Sakura came to the point where she found herself trembling beneath him, with arms clinging for support. As time passed, she found herself less and less able to keep up with this pleasurable exchange, and little sounds and gasps left her lips.

At first Sakura only shifted her hips for better support, or when she unintentionally arched or bucked at an especially surprising touch or sound, but now she ground against him in earnest. It felt so good even through the layers of clothing. Soon the clothing became problematic.

Sakura quickly lost her shirt to the ground, and Kakashi was undoing her shorts. Her panties were already soaked from the long moments of endless and consuming kissing, and also from the way Kakashi’s hands worked her into a fervor. He stroked against the damp, heated cotton-making Sakura buck against his hand. When he slipped a finger inside and she clenched around, she nearly cried. It was not enough. Not nearly enough. And she needed more. Now.

She told Kakashi so, but in response he only slowly stretched her out and slipped in another finger. The panties which were pushed aside strained in resistance.

Kakashi found himself mesmerized by the incredible slick heat and strong clench of muscles that gripped him. The scent of her musk was deep and heady. His mouth fell slightly open, as he continued to stroke her, transfixed from the sensations. He meant to just test and feel for how receptive she would be, but now he found himself caught up in the way Sakura jerk and responded to his every little movement. Her eyes were closed, and moved against his hand at every twitch, mouth also open in a wordless cry. It was entrancing. He was enraptured.

The sight alone was enough to almost make him lose his mind. Sakura’s hands clung to his arms in a painful hold, her nails were digging in deep and hurting, but she was unaware. To Kakashi it didn’t matter either. Soon, nothing would matter at all. He slowly withdrew his fingers and helped Sakura shove the panties further down. Sakura was panting hard, and so was he as he undid his belt and pants. He was quick to drop them, and desperate to line up their hips and enter her in a frenzy.


“…oh god…”

It was like sinking into a molten heaven. The slick heat of her core felt far too good. There was no resistance, it was as if she was sucking him in. But even then, there was the strong, maddening desire keep going, to buck against her and take her mindlessly, and to feel the sensation again and again. There was ecstasy. They were both a high-strung, trembling mess of nerves and heated desire. But he controlled himself, and waited as Sakura felt her inner muscles flutter and adjust to the sudden weight and pleasurable hardness that stroked her insides.

As they waited, their mouths sought each other. Her breasts pressed firmly against his chest. There was that sweet, intoxicating taste they found in each other’s mouths. Then Kakashi rolled his hips, and the strong rumblings of the car took up their peripheral awareness.

They were moaning. Kakashi never let himself moan this loud before, but the ear-splitting sounds of the car drowned them out, and felt safe to be loud as he wanted. And the rough, desperate way Sakura moved against him made him want to be loud. Little harsh noises he never knew he was capable of making escaped his throat, and he heard Sakura respond in kind.

“Just like that… don’t stop.” Sakura said. Her eyes were screwed shut. Her legs were wrapped around Kakashi’s hips. His pants were only down the absolute amount necessary to take her, and were probably digging into her skin. But none of it mattered. Especially when he moved against her like that, and when she also pressed forward and rolled her hips like that.

“Ah- don’t stop,” she pleaded, again. She was louder this time.

Obeying this command, Kakashi didn’t stop, and he had no intention of stopping. He could only groan at her warm inner grip, and the endless pleasurable sensations that drove him on.

“Don’t stop-” she repeated. She said it again, as if her very life and every rolling and cresting pleasure depended on these words.

“Ah…don’t-” He slowly went in. “Ah…” He slowly went out. “Ah…” He slowly went in. She could no longer finish the sentence, but only respond to each motion with helpless noises. Deep moans filled the air, completely wanton and without restrain.

All worries fell away. It didn’t matter to Sakura that her closest friends were gone and miles away, or that she had no home, or that her car broke down in the worst place at the worst time possible, or that it was even blistering hot outside.

All that mattered was that she was here now with this stranger, with his silver hair and scarred eye, and experiencing the most raw and primal pleasure she had ever felt in her life.

She came twice. The first time was from the combination of the wild, outlandish situation and the overpowering sensations. The second time came from the relentless way Kakashi pounded into her. It was so desperate, yet half-mad and focused. She drove him crazy with desire. It was only her, Sakura alone, that made him toss away all reason and go after her with a reckless abandon. During the moments she crested in pleasure, Kakashi was forced to pause, just for a moment, as he was taken by the intense spasm of her muscles and the look of pain and pleasure that crossed on her face.

And then when it all finally became too much-Ecstasy.

Kakashi groaned and trembled. He sulked in the pleasure, and in the way her smooth creamy thighs wrapped around him, and pressed against Sakura’s body. All Sakura could do was shudder as her muscles went into a last, wonderful spasm. Even if she did not will it so, she milked him for all he was worth, grinding down, needing more. Her body drove her on. It was only natural instinct, and his hips bucked into one last broken rhythm. Then it was all over.

Both relaxed, their weights collapsed, and went boneless from the exerted effort. Kakashi fell against Sakura, holding her up against the car, still connected. Their harsh pants filled up the small space between them.

Languid, and perhaps with a tad bit of selfishness, Kakashi drifted his mouth of Sakura’s red lips. Having no energy she didn’t respond, but let him continue to languish and take pleasure from her mouth. It was as if he had an obsessed fixation with the taste.

Then he stopped. His head dropped down to her shoulder in rest. Sakura threaded both hands through his silver hair, feeling the coarse yet soft sensation.

“I’ll check into the motel and stay a week,” she said. Her voice was a sinuous whisper.

Kakashi closed his eyes. “Good…” he sighed. His mouth grazed over hers once more.

It would be three more long, extensive, weeks before Sakura’s car finally left the shop.


Kink Prompt #30: "Lipstick".

yum, challenge, kakasaku

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