Title: Allegro Author: rebecca Pairing: David/Christian Rating: NC-17 Summary: I bet you'd like it. Notes: Sequel to Overture. This could be seen as pre- Geometry. Warnings: light kink
Aren't they great? *pets them* And while Christian might (and I do say might) agree to being a pet (okay, probably not) I don't think you'd have luck with David.
i didn't mean i wanted to dominate him, anyway...i mostly wanted to keep them in my cupboard and feed them cookies and open the door now and again to watch. :D
hot and sweet and perfect and awesome, as always:) exactly what i needed to face the first day back to work from vacation. now i'll have yummy david thoughts all day long! :D
Comments 10
i didn't mean i wanted to dominate him, anyway...i mostly wanted to keep them in my cupboard and feed them cookies and open the door now and again to watch. :D
exactly what i needed to face the first day back to work from vacation. now i'll have yummy david thoughts all day long! :D
How do you make me like OCs in fic? You're one of the very few...
*gets steely eyes and starts chasing the stupid fly around the apartment* Nothing. Interrupts. Fic. From. Raccoon. And lives.
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