Title: The Bestest Friends Ever
Rating: G/ PG
Genre: humor, angst, comedy
Pairing: YunJae, ??
Summary: After 4 years of nothing Jaejoong decides to see if the old DBSK chatroom still works.
Disclaimer: I don't own anything besides the plot.
A/N: Happy reading ~~~
MinSu )
Comments 8
YunJaes situation is really sad D: but it will hopefully get better ~
Lool toho girls sucking the life out of Chunnie xD maybe they did and that's how he became a boring ahjusshi like that xD
Thank you for commenting dear <3 /hugs/ :3
It will take a while but I think it will all end in a happy end kind of way <3
If I don't change my mind of course.. lol
thank you for reading and commenting :3 I will try to get the next chap finished as soon as possible <3
thank you very much and I am happy that you enjoyed it :3
I will try to update soon ~~~
Thank you!
Thank you for reading and commenting <3
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