Merry Christmas Everybody and Meany Snow Pics

Dec 24, 2009 16:51

Snow, snow, snow. Christmas Eve and snow yay! And Alastair Sim’s Scrooge on the telly- excellent.

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Comments 8

kanders07 December 24 2009, 17:45:52 UTC
Gorgeous, especially the Forbidden Marsh pics. Great snowman. Have a wonderful Christmas.


bluemeanybeany December 24 2009, 18:57:36 UTC
merry christmas to you to...only five hours to imminent Father Christmas arrival woot!


serenaar December 24 2009, 18:32:09 UTC
Oooh lovely pictures! We've not had much snow down here, but it's still verrrrry cold.

I'm currently being pestered by friends to go out to the pub tonight. I'm quite comfy in the warm quiet house though, I might be tempted out for one or two beverages :)

Merry Christmas to you all, hope you have a lovely time.


bluemeanybeany December 24 2009, 18:54:29 UTC
well I categorically refuse to go out Christmas Eve or New Years Eve. [statistically youre more likely to end up in A and E those nights] I am certainly not going out clubbing in Doncaster in heels and a skirt tonight, I couldnt think of anything worse.

Having said that we did go to the pub for dinner today so am rather full and sleepy anyway. I shall be watching Tennant on QI and then bed awaiting a visit from Father Christmas. Yayyyyy!


kievianrus December 24 2009, 21:37:01 UTC
Merry Christmas! We are supposed to have a blizzard for Christmas this year which may mean that I won't get to see my cousin's new baby because they live about 110 miles away. I'm not too happy about that.

I like the picture of the Forbidden Marshes and don't blame Shovewood for being nervous about the crows. They are supposed to be bad luck, aren't they?


bluemeanybeany December 24 2009, 21:45:07 UTC
awww baby kievianrus! I hope you get to see them. I saw all the very special babies in the Special Care Baby Unit today at the hospital- so adorable.

And yes I believe crows are the harbingers of death, so probably best to stay away from them.


elijahwildchild December 25 2009, 22:17:42 UTC
Hey! You've got all our snow *pouts* We wuz promised white stuff galore here in damp and rainy Shropshire. Instead it's raining. And damp :o(

Hope you had a fab day, though, with lots of prezzies :o)


serhiitolstoi December 1 2011, 17:15:54 UTC
beautiful !
We in Ukraine is still no snow, waiting .... )


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