
Jan 23, 2009 01:59

Stolen from Read more... )

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bluemeanybeany January 23 2009, 02:53:46 UTC
yeah, I could swear I had spent most of my life outside in the bright, bright sunshine but quite clearly I didnt. :)


georgiesmith January 23 2009, 05:09:26 UTC
There's only five of the 50 shows you haven't seen?


And I thought I watched too much TV. I apparently just watch too much bad television because a bunch of my favorite shows didn't make the list... such as The Man from U.N.C.L.E.


bluemeanybeany January 23 2009, 05:23:01 UTC
Despite what the list may rather starkly indicate Im sure I must have done other stuff :) I would have said that I watch substantially less telly than most people I know (locally) I think I'll claim harsh yorkshire winters in keeping me indoors with nothing else to do. Ah plus theres also the insomnia (as my posting time may indicate) Thats probably how I did it....yep I think we'll go with that excuse.


serenaar January 23 2009, 13:36:12 UTC
Wow, you DO watch a lot of telly :-).
And yes, that list is by no means definitive. I would have put several other shows on there.

yeah, I could swear I had spent most of my life outside in the bright, bright sunshine but quite clearly I didnt. :)
LOL - how pale are you? Do you hiss with pain at the bright lights when you go outside?

Ah plus theres also the insomnia (as my posting time may indicate) Thats probably how I did it....yep I think we'll go with that excuse.
Ironically I was also up until the silly hours (not quite THAT silly though) - but I was playing video games...now I realise the error of my ways I should have been watching telly - or sleeping. One or the other.....I think I'll go with the former....


georgiesmith January 23 2009, 17:12:12 UTC
I believe you. Honest I do.

Winters must last an awfully long time in Yorkshire...


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