Title:Dinner For Two Is A Lonely Sight
Fandom/Pairing:Bandom. Fall Out Boy/Other. Pete/John Mayer/Patrick
Rating: NC-17
Disclaimer: This is completely untrue. All lies fabricated by my imagination. I’m sure John and Pete’s mutual fanboying is purely platonic etc etc
Summary: Pete is standing in the corner of Patrick’s kitchen, feeling the same
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Comments 30
Also, a 'boys' night' turning into hot threesome action?! My kinda boys.
It means a lot that you like my Pete too!
Your Pete is awesome! Like the real deal himself. I <3 the Wentz.
Where do I start?
Okayokayokay. Okay. I would've been happy with straight up porn. I mean, seriously, Pete/John is positively delish and throwing in Patrick is just unfair and for real, Rebecca. Lady boner.
And then you had to actually make Ashlee kind of really awesome (bonus brownie points for that) and Pete's characterization (in particular) is spot-on. Patrick's so *hands* Patrick. Kind of ridiculous, but I have massive love for both morning after text messages he gets; I don't even know. I'm working with half a brain here. As someone who loves oral fixation as a kink, the whole Patrick-sucking-John's-fingers part destroyed my coherency, just a bit.
The best part, I think, is that Pete and Patrick have this History that's only hinted at but it makes you want to know MORE. Yes, John is a catalyst for their Obvious but Epic Love, but it's all bittersweet because it starts with Pete's massive crush, and y'know, Pete falls in love with everyone, guuhhh. Also, I'd like to crawl inside this universe ( ... )
I hate when people make Ashlee not-awesome because she is pretty much made of win and I'm maybe a little in love with her. I'm so glad you thought Pete was spot-on - I really love writing him.
I'm so glad the fic worked for you! Thanks for reading!
I don't really have anything coherent to say. I really don't. This is just too many kinds of awesome to try. Love it, love them, and love YOU. Thank you so much for sharing.
~flails some more~
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