What Profits the Angels

Apr 27, 2009 05:10

Title: “What Profits the Angels”
Rating: G
Characters: Sam, Castiel
Word Count: 1600
Episode/Spoilers: “On the Head of a Pin”
Summary: A confrontation between Sam and Castiel. Precedes the final scene of the episode.
Author’s notes: Please see the additional note below the cut.

What Profits the Angels )

gen, short, post-ep, castiel, sam

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Comments 33

denisitap April 27 2009, 13:35:39 UTC


blueiris08 April 27 2009, 19:49:28 UTC


shannenb April 27 2009, 13:47:25 UTC
blueiris08 April 27 2009, 20:09:13 UTC
I really wish they'd do more with the two of them as well, particularly because it'd be a chance to show what's going on with Sam's faith. But yes--more room for exploration in fic.

Thanks for commenting!


dolimir_k April 27 2009, 13:52:00 UTC
I was very impressed with this story. I liked how you interwove parts of Castiel's past in with the present. Very nicely done.


blueiris08 April 27 2009, 20:13:28 UTC
An inordinate amount of time went into writing the flashbacks, so I'm glad they worked. Thanks for commenting!


partaymon5 April 27 2009, 15:19:40 UTC
Very interesting look inside Castiel and his relationships with Uriel and Sam. I so miss seeing more of the latter, because I think that would be something very interesting to explore more. And I love your icon!! :)


blueiris08 April 27 2009, 20:31:21 UTC
On one level I get why they're focusing on the Dean and Castiel relationship, but it really does seem that there's a lot of untapped potential with Sam and Castiel.

And I love your icon!!
Ditto! ;)
Thanks for commenting.


marquise_audi April 27 2009, 16:44:28 UTC
Best Castiel voice, ever. *sigh* This I could totally see happening.

Just. You know, with more possesive!Sam (because he can oh so feel Dean slipping away from him) and haughty!Castiel (in Sam's pov, of course, because Castiel doesn't do haughty. and because he's just that secure that Dean's gonna be his. oh yes, his~!).


blueiris08 April 27 2009, 20:33:38 UTC
Er...yes. ;-)

I'm glad you liked it!


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