J2 Fic. Lies and Alibis - SPN_hurt/comfort meme

Apr 15, 2009 21:04

Title: Lies and alibis
Author: Blueeyedliz
Rating: PG/13 
Word Count: 1,321
Summary:  Based on the prompt, 'non-AU, J2 or Gen.  Jared suffers from a chronic illness (asthma, diabetes...) Worried!Jensen ensues,' by hope_calaris over at the wonderfully addictive SPN_hurt/comfort meme.
Disclaimer:  I don’t own a thing, these aren’t even my own boobs.
A/N:  This will be the last in my self-imposed ‘meme-athon’ because I'm starting to feel like I’ve assigned myself a job on a production line in a fic factory.  :D

Lies And Alibis - 1/1

Jared doesn’t like to think of himself as being different. In fact, he goes out of his way to ensure people see him for who he is, not what he is. Jared’s fun-loving and confident, immensely affable and an all around great guy to be around.  He’s also an epileptic.

Not many people working on the show know, just Eric and a handful of producers and only then for no reason other than that Jared had to provide a full medical history as part of his contract.  CW contracts are notoriously water-tight, so much so you could sail one to Tahiti if you really wanted to.  Oh and Jensen, Jensen knows but he found out the hard way.

Jared’s been coping with petit mal seizures all his life. The symptoms are mild enough that some people wouldn’t even think to class them as a seizure fit.  Jared spaces out and occasionally his fingers twitch so that he looks like he’s trying to play ‘Chopsticks’ on an invisible piano but he comes around easily and rarely remembers the episode. It doesn’t happen often, once or twice a month at most and more often than not at the end of a long day when he’s overtired.

On the rare occasion that Jared has experienced a petit mal seizure when he’s been on the set, he’s managed to laugh off his ‘zoning out’ as simple daydreaming or put it down to being exhausted because Supernatural filming schedules would play rat-shit havoc with the sleeping patterns of even the most devoted health-nut.

Heck, for all Jared knows most of the crew probably think he’s just a total goof-ball. It stings a little-a niggling paper-cut-for someone with Jared’s intelligence but he’d rather be thought of as dim-witted than have people think of him as fragile and start handling him with kid gloves. He’s had enough of that growing up to last him two life times.

Jared’s suffered a grand mal seizure twice, both as a result of failing to take his medication and both resulting in Jared being plunged into the nightmare scenario of giving a full-on epileptic floor show display to a captive audience.  The first time was when Jared was in high school studying for his exams and the second time, well, that was much more recent. Much, much, more recent.

~8 hours earlier~

Filming of the Season Four finale started at the asscrack of dawn today and everyone from the leads to the fucking catering team are on edge with the pressure.

Jensen in particular is feeling battered and bruised, his elbow still throbbing like a PMS’ing bitch from where he landed on it thanks to a certain demon tossing Dean around like a Scotsman’s favorite caber.  He finishes up his lunch of spicy chicken enchiladas and wipes his mouth with a napkin before checking his watch.  Jared was meant to come over to his trailer so they could eat lunch together and run lines before heading back to set all prepped for the next scene.

Jared usually eats a mammoth amount but he was loaded up his tray in the craft tent when Jensen set off ahead of him so where the hell is he?  Perhaps he wanted to check on Sadie and Harley first?  Jensen leaves his trailer wearing a scowl and hurries the short distance to Jared’s trailer.

He doesn’t knock, neither of them even pretend to be that polite around each-other anymore but there’s something wedged behind the trailer door stopping Jensen from opening it properly.  Jensen puts his shoulder into it and finally manages to create a gap big enough to slide through and that’s when he sees the something wedged behind the door is Jared.

Jared’s whole body is convulsing, teeth clenched tight, head tipped back, neck muscles straining.  Jensen scrambles down to the floor and tries to hold Jared’s head, stopping it from pummelling the floor any more.  Jensen’s heart is pounding in his chest, he wants to fetch his cell phone but he can’t (won’t) leave Jared, instead he settles for screaming for help until his throat feels like it’s on fire.

Finally Jensen forces his hands to stop from fluttering uselessly over Jared’s jerking limbs and he sits back on his haunches, Jared’s head thumping against his knees.  He feels like crying...does start crying as the seizure finally seems to be coming to an end and Jared’s eyes flicker open.  Dazed eyes peer out through thin-slitted lids and settle on his face.  Jared lips are moving but Jensen can’t hear what he’s trying to say.

Bending forward to put his ear to Jared’s mouth he hears Jared breathlessly whisper, “I’m sorry....sorry, Jensen.”

“Help's coming.”  Jensen grits out and curls his fingers in Jared’s jacket, clinging on, when Jared’s mutters how damn tired he is and closes his eyes again.


Jensen makes Jared’s favorite green tea, even remembers to leave the teabag in for a change. He doesn’t complain when Jared’s feet find the coffee table or when Jared leaves the television stuck on an MTV marathon of ‘Pimp My Ride’.

Jensen simply sits there, in the leather recliner in the corner over by the window. He isn’t even pretending to watch the television because his piercing green eyes won’t leave Jared.

Jared shuffles uncomfortably from his place stretched out on the couch.  “Jensen, this is why I didn’t want you to know.” Jared says softly, words carried on one long breath.  “I’m okay.  It wasn’t as serious as it looked, you heard what the doc said yourself...that I didn’t need a trip to hospital, just needed to stop being an idiot and remember to take my anti-seizure medication.”

Jensen’s turns away to stare out of the window and for a moment Jared thinks he’s purposely ignoring him but then Jensen’s mouth puckers.  It’s a sign Jared recognizes, a sign that shows he’s thinking deeply.  He looks like he’s sucking on the backs of his teeth and the affection which sparks in Jared’s gut at the sight almost makes him forget to be upset.  It makes him want to wrap Jensen up in a hug and not let go.

“Don’t ever keep secrets from me again. You could have died, Jared.” Jensen says grinding the heels of his hands into his eyes.  He mumbles, “died,” again softly, like he still can’t quite believe it and the way he says the word makes him sound worn down to bare bones.

Jared doesn’t want to be the person who makes Jensen sound like that.  He pushes away the blanket Jensen gave him earlier and makes to get up from the couch only for Jensen to balk and growl out an incensed, stay the fuck there.

Jared freezes on instinct, gobsmacked, both feet still touching the floor.  His eyes are glued to Jensen’s movements as he gets up from the recliner and crosses the room to kneel down on the floor, positioning himself between Jared’s thighs.

Jensen leans up and kisses him hard on the mouth, licks his tongue across the curve of Jared’s lips. “No.” Kiss. “More.” Kiss. “Lies?”

Jared’s mouth opens, tiny gasping moans escaping expressing how enthusiastic he is about being on the receiving end of Jensen’s kisses.  “No more.”  Jared agrees, smoothing the pad of his thumb across the deep worry lines creasing Jensen’s temple.

He reaches out to undo several pearl white buttons on Jensen’s shirt and snakes his hand inside to run the length of the smooth firm chest underneath.  “But much more of this,” he smiles, teasingly tweaking at a receptive nipple.

Jensen shakes his head looking every bit the put-upon boyfriend but there’s amusement worn for all to see on his face and he doesn’t say ‘no’ as he strips out of his shirt and pushes Jared down into the soft cushions of the couch.


Now with shiny new sequel, which you can read here!

look ma i wrote j2, meme

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