Directions: Once you've been tagged, you have to write 16 random things, facts, habits or goals about you. At the end choose 5 people to be tagged, listing their lj. Don't forget to leave them a comment ("you're it") and to read your post. You can't tag the person who tagged you. Since you can't tag me let me know when you've posted your post, so I
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Comments 5
2. So I guess we look alike :)
5. I love dogs too! But I can't have one because my mom's too scared of them. But yeah, when I have my own place the first thing I'll get is going to be a dog... the poor puppy won't have anywhere to get a decent nap since it'll be the only "thing" around xD
9. I'm sooo with you at this point.
14. lol My brother's sign is Sagittarius. And yeah, I don't believe in horoscopes too.
btw, I don't think the meme is made by nalazhar. I think she was tagged by someone else. Anyway, it's nice to know you better now :)
dried fruits... eww
I believe in horoscopes if they're saying something good for me. :D But usually I don't even read them, because if I do than there is something not so good.
#9 .. I'm with you on this one .. I just don't like them ..
#10 .. haha .. I sometimes do it .. XD .. but I feel weird to sing to myself ..
#12 .. Hope that you'll make the dream .. it seem like fun .. I always thought of trying but I failed so many times ..
^_^ ..
I know, I sometimes feel a little bit stupid when I sing to myself, but I can't help myself. Those songs are so catchy! :D
I have to little bit work on my sketches these days, because they're not finished yet, but soon I have to send them away for that competition. I hope that I'll make it.
Maybe you should try again. ;)
#2 Black hair, Black eyes and only 165 cm tall (how desperated!!)
#3 I have 2 younger sisters, they're already work by now.. we're happy about that. we raised money. we're often fight. miscommunications
#4 I have 30 cousins...we're huge family.
#5 I don't like dogs...or cats... or pets...LOL...I'd like to have cockatoo.
#6 My favorite foods are chinese food (except pork) and Indonesian food. less to europe or american foods.
#7 I like orange, black and white.
#8 I'm deadly afraid of any of INSECTS...
#9 I hate fruits...i just like apple, orange, guava, pear. I tried to eat green vegetables.
#10 I don't believe in horoscopes (my sign is ARIES).
#12 I would like to live in Singapore (with all the risk)
#16 I tried to love sea... but in Jakartam I can't. It's totally hot..not bcoz the sun..but the polition made me die....
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