Callum at TIFF.

Sep 15, 2011 04:50

It is TIFF time again, would Callum be at any events?

Why yes, yes he would. :D

Callum with Molly Parker )

ckr pics, \o/, fannish, ckr

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Comments 11

thursdaynext_27 September 15 2011, 04:20:08 UTC
Of course he's at TIFF! Thank you for finding and posting these--especially that large one of him smiling. Might need to make an icon out of that one.


bluebelle789 September 16 2011, 20:19:50 UTC
TIFF wouldn't be the same without him. *g*


surya74 September 15 2011, 09:28:39 UTC
Aw, our pretty man... <333 I'm having inappropriate urges to kidnap him and nibble his ears off. XD

:-* <3


bluebelle789 September 16 2011, 20:22:14 UTC
Hee. The ears do have that effect, but then again, so does the rest of him. *stares at his...belt* ahem. ;)

:D <3333


grey853 September 15 2011, 14:00:36 UTC
Wow, what great pictures. He's looking better and healthier all the time. Don't know when he has time to rest, but he's doing something right. Thanks.


bluebelle789 September 16 2011, 20:24:18 UTC
I was thinking that too, he looks so relaxed and tanned. :D (maybe it's the golf. *g*)


scriggle September 15 2011, 23:27:07 UTC
Yay. I wasn't expecting him to be at TIFF this year.


bluebelle789 September 16 2011, 20:30:43 UTC
Works out well for us! :)


neu111 September 17 2011, 08:55:59 UTC
Looks like Callum's been taking his socializing pills lately, I sure don't mind :)


bluebelle789 September 17 2011, 21:54:50 UTC
Haha, me either. :D


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