An update! A.K.A The one with the mini-picspam.

Aug 02, 2011 16:15

A. Latest LJ DDoS shenanigans: I could access a few random journals to read but my own seemed to be inaccessible most of the time, as it seemed to be for most of us, I think. LJ Maintenance said, "The best way to view the site at present is logged out." How was that going to help, you know, UPDATE AND STUFF?! Not amused. But it appears to be ( Read more... )

lists, tv boyfriends!, ckr pics, \o/, fannish

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Comments 2

surya74 August 2 2011, 16:28:14 UTC
Ooooh, very VERY nice picspam! Calluuuuuuum! <3 :D He had a weird tan thing going on there, no?




bluebelle789 August 2 2011, 22:25:58 UTC
Evidence of time spent golfing, perhaps? Either that or the lighting was dodgy. *g* He rocks that suit though. OH YEAH. \o/


Hee. It was a special moment. :D



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