I wish I knew what he was saying..

Jun 24, 2009 19:44

Found another pic of Callum at the Genies:

Big pic )

random, ckr pics

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Comments 6

c_regalis June 24 2009, 20:32:38 UTC
Ha! I just found that yesterday too. He's pretty there, isn't he?


bluebelle789 June 26 2009, 01:37:11 UTC
Very pretty. ♥ I like it when he's talking to people and looking intently at them, too. *g*


scriggle June 24 2009, 23:17:55 UTC
I'd just found that one too. Very pretty!


bluebelle789 June 26 2009, 01:38:23 UTC
I'm happy the original poster has the huge version up on Flickr. HUGE PRETTY = happy fangirls. :D


schtuf June 27 2009, 22:12:31 UTC
Rawwwr, I love him all scruffy.


bluebelle789 June 29 2009, 20:17:58 UTC
Scruffy is a good look for him. *nods*


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