D'kai is highly flammable. And hot, but that's unrelated.

Oct 10, 2009 21:51

RL Date: 10/10/09
IC Date: 12/25/20

Kitchen, Fort Weyr
Fort's kitchens are both immense and well-appointed, which ensures that the kitchen staff is able to feed the Weyr's populace as efficiently as possible. The counters are carved out of the native granite, smoothed and polished through turns of use; there are several stoves and ovens placed along the walls, leaving plenty of room for various cooks to do their job and not be tripping over their fellows. Any ingredients or tools they may need can be found in drawers and cabinets, either within arm's reach or within reach of drudges. Hanging from the ceiling and on hooks on the wall are copper utensils, pots, and pans, all quite well-worn, but still serviceable.

In the middle of this room are a couple of 'islands', composed of wood and with marble countertops, to allow assistants to prepare things and not need to get in the way of the cooks using the main counters. Dumb waiters are located out of the way, but still convenient for getting food down to the living cavern, rather than needing to send people down the stairs. Despite the constant motion and activity -- which slows only at night, but never fully ceases -- everything is meticulously kept clean, from top to bottom.

Someone has set fire to the kitchen. Not, like, the whole kitchen, but there's definitely some smoke and a few flames coming off a stove, with one of the girl-candidates there in tears while the actual kitchen staff tries to keep the place from burning down around their ears. Jaeyi's just taking the girl by the shoulders, wheeling her away from the catastrophe while a big bowl of water gets splashed onto stovetop, hissing the flames to death, and there's some aimless shushing from baker to candidate. "...okay, honey, it happens all the time. Why don't you just go down to the caverns and help wipe down the tables, and we'll call it a job well done, mmkay?" As in 'please god get out of here.'

Fortunately, the roof, the roof, the roof isn't on fire, and if there's no /serious/ damage done, no harm done, right? D'kai is lucky (or unlucky) enough to have been poking around at some pastries in the kitchen when the alarm went up, so he's busy dodging firefighting duty -- he'd just be in the way, anyway, honest -- when he backs right into that candidate. "Oh, shards, I'm -- hey, sorry --" Setting to extract his long limbs from the whole mess, Deke eventually manages a full stop somewhere nearby, and offers a tentative sort of grin at Jaeyi-and-company, squinting down at the culprit. "Uh, hey. S'all right, yeah?"

Getting stomped on does the girl absolutely no good, and she dissolves into even more great-big-tears while D'kai's trying to apologize. There's a steady stream of I'm-sorry pouring out of her, all splotchy and tragic and convinced she's going to get sent home even with Jaeyi pat-patting her shoulders. "It is," the baker seizes quickly. "It is all right. Look, everyone in here has, at one point, lit something on fire they didn't mean to. Didn't someone tell me that you almost caught your hair on fire when you were a candidate? I'm sure they did." And, if they didn't, the quick but serious look that finds its way to the bronzerider begs him to lie about it anyway.

D'kai's cross-eyed squinting probably isn't helping, so when his expression clears into one of cautious assurance, it's accompanied by a breezy, "Oh, sure, yeah! Four times, I bet." He'll also run a hand through his hair, tousling it all up, just to make sure it's all still there and not all aflame either. "Probably would have lit myself on fire a fifth time too if I wasn't at the lake, too." There's a brightening, toothy smile furthermore, all cheering-like. "They called me, uh," twitching his finger idly, Deke casts about for a moment and settles lamely on, "Firey Deke." Eh? Improv is not his forte.

Jaeyi's fast figuring out that D'kai might not be the very bestest person to provide soothing words for the poor, weeping girl, though she offers a frail, pat-on-the-head-type smile for his efforts. "You see? Four times, and they never sent him home." There's a quick, reassuring squeeze for the poor girl's shoulders before she's being steered toward the stairs to the cavern again, with the baker concluding, "Go and get yourself some water and relax, honey. It's okay, really." She'll just stand at the top of the stairs for a second or two and make sure the girl doesn't get any second thoughts about returning, smile plastered in place even while she adds as an aside, "Firey Deke? That was your best effort?"

Two fingers wave after the splotchy candidate, and raising his voice to offer down the stairs, "If anyone gives you any trouble, you just come tell Firey Deke!", the bronzerider rocks back on his heels. Crossing his arms, only a /little/ defensively for Jaeyi's sotto voce, he answers through puffed cheeks, "it was spur-of-the-moment! On the spot! Could you come up with anything better?" Checking just one last time to see that the burgeoning firebug has made it safely out to the cavern, the man spares a look over his shoulder. "Looks like it's all put out, at least," he offers brightly, though the stove still bears licks of soot all up the sides.

Honest answer for his defensive question; "Uhmn. Yes." But the girl's gone now, and there's no lasting damage, no, so Jaeyi can sigh relief that the catastrophe's been averted while she turns back to reclaim whatever work got abandoned a few minutes ago. "Fiery Deke," she repeats a last time, her nose crinkling while she looks him over from toes to un-crisped head, beckoning with a follow-along gesture. "I'm guessing you didn't come in here to watch candidates burn down the kitchens, so you must want to be fed?"

D'kai's eyebrows lift sharply, and if he doesn't say 'let's hear it, then!' outright, his expression does for just half a moment, mirthful for the spark in his blue eyes. Standing straighter and tugging at the hem of his tunic for Jaeyi's up-and-down, the bronzerider angles his head up and away with a laughing, "my good side." He follows willingly, trailing behind her happily at the mention of food -- or maybe just for the view -- and as if reminded, he exclaims: "Yes! I did, actually. Usually my side trips into the kitchens aren't quite this eventful."

Jaeyi makes a loop of her thumb and forefinger, the a-okay kind of sign, for his good-side; yes, very nice. Taking the looong way around, so as to avoid getting mired in the lingering chaos of a burninated stove, people trying to scrub the wall and someone scraping bits of burned-and-melted towel off the burners and such, she pats a safe spot of counter in a wait-here signal. "Aren't they? Well, that's a shame, if you ask me. Do you need real sustenance, or just something sugary to tide you over?" In all seriousness, there's no intentional double entendre in the question, just a roundabout way of asking 'sandwich or pie?'

Earning Jaeyi's approval brings forth a deep chuckle from D'kai, who shortcuts over the legs of a kneeling chef with a mumbled, "'scuse me, pardon me," and rounds to his assigned spot and claims it with a thump of his palm. "Isn't it just? Not to say I'd like to see stuff burst into flame when I wander in looking for a bite -- though it might keep happening if you keep letting that girl in -- but, you know. Wouldn't mind having to wrestle a man or something just to get a sandwich." Grappling an imaginary opponent, Deke pauses only to consider her offer. "Mmm. Yeah. Sandwich." And holds his thumb and forefinger as wide as possible. "Everything on it!"

"I know a dishwasher who might oblige to try and punch you in the face if you really want?" Though she peers toward that dishwasher's station, there's no one there at the moment to unleash his fists-of-fury on D'kai, sadly, so Jaeyi has to give over a quick, apologetic shrug. "Or!" She's brilliant, she really is. "You could wrestle with me to get a sandwich!" It's not as graceful as it might normally be, the collection of ingredients for as-wide-as-possible sandwiches, what with the avoidance of the stove-cleaners, but she's here and there to collect things that wind up localized down the counter from D'kai. "But I'd probably win."

Brushing his knuckles across his stubbled chin, Deke follows the baker's gaze and sighs an exaggerated, pained sigh when no frenzied dishwasher becomes apparent. "Or?!" Perking up for her suggestion, the bronzerider makes a show of long consideration before finally, with a wag of his head, he admits, "I'm not sure that would be entirely fair, considering." It's his turn to pass his gaze over Jaeyi, critical. "I've almost a foot on you. And I'm a boy," as though that part weren't apparent on its own. "But if I've gotta, I've gotta." Firmly, with a hint of laughter in his voice as he watches the creation at hand. "For a sandwich? Anything."

All hypothetical, one hopes; "Oh, there's no point talking about fair. Sure, you might have that almost-a-foot on me, but you /are/ a boy, which-- I find-- is usually more of a hindrance when it comes to wrestling." Her. When it comes to wrestling her, that is. "Pickles?" The fact that Jaeyi's talking about fighting with him and wielding a big knife at the same time could be unnerving were it not for the cheerful harmlessness in the way she brandishes it, paints a question-mark in the air with the tip.

"Three, please, miss," D'kai nods for the question, holding up the appropriate number of fingers and beaming quite proudly down at the sandwich; he does lean a titch away from that waving knife, curling his hands around the table's edge. Then, speculating on the entirely hypothetical situation: "Yeah, I could see that. Seeing as you're, you know. A girl." Implied: all that soft girliness and helplessness and niceness, and definitely no knife-wielding. "And I'm sure your boyfriend wouldn't appreciate it," he decides, with a sly, side-long look over at her under curly bangs.

Yes. Helplessness. With the flat of that big knife tapping against the edge of the sandwich's plate, Jaeyi looks around the immediate vicinity with a thoughtful, "Boyfriend... boyfriend... Now let me see where I put him..." She opens a cupboard overhead, looks inside, no-- the one down at her knees-- no, not there either. "What's that saying? What you don't know won't hurt you?" Three pickles! Which seem to necessitate another slice of cheese, all that sour balanced by some sharp, and the scary-knife exchanged for a safe, spreading one. "Mustard, handsome?" Sunny smile for sly look.

Craning around to peer into both cupboards, high and low, D'kai hums thoughtfully. No boyfriend /here/, but... "Could /too/. Especially if he's a big burly chap, all neck muscles and, you know, urgh. Which he'd have to be, to keep all the other guys off you." In demonstration, the bronzerider flexes and grumbles and attempts to look all intimidating and neanderthal. Considering the brilliantly wide grin, the duck of his head, the effect might be lost. "I'd rather not mess with /that/ unknown. And, no, thank you!" For both the mustard and the beating. "But a splash of mayo if you've got some handy."

"Sooooo, how is that fierce courage of yours working out?" Jaeyi asks with a wide-eyed blink, surveying D'kai with another of those so-not-subtle once overs that ends with a tsk of her tongue to the back of her teeth. No mustard, also not brave!, but the mayonnaise is easy enough to come by, and a splash amounts to a thin veneer on the upper slice of bread, which she poises conscientiously on top of that mountain of sandwich-guts. One more wave of big-knife and it's all neatly cut in half, pushed slightly open. "Done!" she pronounces happily, taking a step back from the plate to lean hip-to-counter, posing next to the finished product.

"Ah!" D'kai claps his hands, spreads them wide and palm-up towards Jaeyi, imploring, "but a man who's been lit on fire /nearly five times/ has got to be cautious!" Nearly. Five. Times. Punctuated with short, sharp bobs of his head, sending his curls bouncing, over waggling eyebrows and a laughing grin. And then he's admiring the final result, visibly impressed, blue eyes rounding but surely no larger than his stomach. He even whistles as he draws the plate near, and for all that posing and arranging he can't help but compliment, "Look at you! Phew! You're wonderful! Where'd you learn to make a sandwich like that?"

A searching look sent ceilingward, where there's still some smoke from the earlier mishap wandering around, has Jaeyi musing, "Actually, I think a man that's been lit on fire nearly five times probably isn't all that cautious? Or else you're just really flammable." She squints at all those crazy curls, leans from there to look toward the crispy stove, and the thoughts are pretty obvious: they could find out easily enough... But. She preens. It's a reflex. "If you've got nothing to do for the next four years, I could teach you," she offers brightly, like it'll be so much fun for both of them! "And, if you're not gonna wrestle with me, you at least better enjoy that to a gratifying extent."

Oh, no, no, no, her transparent thoughts have D'kai flatting his hair down with one hand, wrinkling up his nose. "To prevent the fifth time, I mean. The theoretical fifth time. Since I've never /actually/ been on fire. Except, uh, that one time." Without elaborating, he happily sets into the sandwich, practically a whole meal in itself, but the lad knows how to eat a proper sandwich and doesn't even let a single piece of lettuce fall out. But -- "Phsh -- phh -- four yearsh?" (He manages, mostly, around his mouthful). Swallowing: "I think I'll leave it to the pretty young girls! This way I get a show with my meal." Obligingly, he rolls his eyes and mmms and even pats his stomach when he's got a free hand. "Delish!"

Logic; "So. You are really flammable. Innnnnnteresting." D'kai might want to start listening for the sound of struck matches in his vicinity. Not that Jaeyi would actually truly light a man on fire, but, uhmn. Back to our regularly scheduled sandwiches. Beaming for the show, one elbow all leaned on the counter and her cheek propped on her knuckles so she can watch in unabashedly voyeuristic delight, she adds like it's quite the prize, "You can come back some time and have more sandwiches, Deke. And possibly I will even give you some dessert, too." Again, /not/ meant to be quite as sexy as it sounds; she honestly-truly-really can't help it.

It doesn't take long, four layers of bread and nicely spread mayonnaise or no, before it's all but gone and D'kai is picking at crumbs with pinching fingers, and if he shuffles away, just a step, it's only because he's fearing for his poor old combustible self; nevertheless, the wide smile he sends towards Jaeyi is none the fainter. "/More/ sandwiches?!" It /is/ quite the prize! "But only if you make them, okay? I fear I'm spoiled for life now." Exhaling all at once, the bronzerider leans back, nudging away the plate. "And dessert too! I can hardly wait." But considering how full he is, for now, he'll make his grateful, satiated farewell, with a happy pat aimed at Jaeyi's hand.

And Jaeyi, with a deep breath, will go back to see how much damage the stove has suffered. At least she gets to do it with entertaining thoughts over very tall bronzeriders to distract her occasionally from very sooty walls. So that's a bonus.

d'kai, *jaeyi-sr app, jaeyi

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