Hot wax hair removal treatment.

Jun 16, 2009 19:27

RL Date: 6/16/09
IC Date: 13/13/19

Hot Springs, Fort Weyr
The hot springs are contained with a high domed cavern, the walls perpetually glistening with a combination of condensation and mica. Steam hangs on everything, lending a soothing and dreamlike quality to the entire experience. In the center is the main pool, which is vaguely kidney-bean shaped, and large enough for a few fully grown dragons to lounge in comfortably and easily reached by the archway from the bowl. Three smaller pools, more suited for human use, are clustered near the entrance leading toward the inner caverns. Also located near the inner cavern entrance are a set of shelves, fully stocked with pots of soapsand and towels for those without the foresight -- or means -- to bring their own.

While the dragon pool is a natural creation, the human pools are the result of Ancient ingenuity and have been constructed with hewn steps and seating. The water in both pools is hot, but comfortably so, and are a perfect place to bathe young weyrling dragons or for residents to relax after a long day of work.

It's cold outside. For Fortians, maybe not so terrible, but for Bollians? Having left the kitchens with the breakfast rush over, Jaeyi's sought refuge somewhere appropriately thick and steamy. At this time of day, it's not so very busy, but it's not exactly empty, either; the bigger pool is dragon-occupied, and two of the smaller pools have people soaking or scrubbing. The Baker's got one to herself, probably as much because the two boys in the other pool are too terrified to approach her, but it works. A towel folds behind her neck, her hair's piled on her head, and she's safely submered up to her collarbones with an array of soapy-bath-stuff lined up on the edge of her bath. Humming happily and washing her foot.

Kwei isn't particularly paying attention as he makes his way into the large cavern. An accident in the workrooms this morning has left him rather coated in something that looks like wax, oil or maybe even varnish. He's still grumbling under his breath as he places a bag of fresh clothes in one of the nooks and starts to strip off, having to literally peel off his tunic and trousers thanks to the sticky substance. Once that's accomplished and the things are dumped rather unceremoniously in a pile he fetches a pot of soapsand and walks over, slipping into the pool with the least people. "Morning." He murmurs quietly as he sinks into the hot water on the other side.

Jaeyi could announce her presence before Kwei's disrobed and climbed in. /Could./ Doesn't. Instead, dropping a soapy foot under the horizon of the water, she waits in patient silence till it's too late for him to delicately extricate himself, waves away a haze of steam from in front of her face, and offers a cheerful, "Hello, well-oiled little harper. What happened to you?" With a peek over the edge of the bath toward the pile of his clothes.

It's with a contented sigh that Kwei sinks into the water, his pot of soapsand placed on the edge of the pool, eyes closing as he tries to relax from the earlier incident. Course all it takes is for Jaeyi to speak, him to hear that cheerful voice and he's all tense again, eyes flashing open to find her. "Slight accident." He answers after a few moments to compose himself, the familiar smile coming out as he looks over at her. "Upset a jar of liquid wax down me. At least it got me excused, that stuff can burn quite badly if it's too hot," He grins, "Thankfully though I'm incompetent in the workshop and it was only slightly warm. Though the Journeyman didn't know that so I have the rest of the morning off."

Successfully, Jaeyi pretends not to note the momentary alarm. She's kind like that. Dropping her hand back on to the edge of the bath, collecting another jar of something that smells super-girly, she ahhhhs her enlightenment about the accident. "Are you sure you want to talk to me about hot wax, sugar?" she offers charitably, unable to hide the particularly lascivious light to her grin at that. To the end of his story; "You're not permanently damaged then? Good. I'd be heartbroken forever if you got yourself wrecked in a tragic accident."

Kwei glances over with a faint smile showing up. "Hot wax, warm wax?" He shrugs his shoulders out of the water. "It doesn't really make much of a difference, all that's left of it is down my right arm and leg." He tells her, though he does appear to be having one of those twitchy moments where he's trying not to get caught watching her when she moves. "No permanent damage, well not to me anyway, I'm not so sure about my clothes." He actually winces at that, given how neatly turned out the usually is, he's probably more worried about the clothes than he is about losing all the hair off his arm. A smile does get flashed her way though at the complement, or at least he's taking that way. "It would be tragic, unable to play any more due to an unfortunate waxing accident! It doesn't bear thinking off the damage that could cause." He adds the last with a shake of his head.

"I ask," begins Jaeyi, still wearing that same, unfairly dark-eyed smirk, "because now the only thought occupying my mind involves you, and me, and hot wax." Hopefully, that's enough said. She doesn't go into further details, at the very least, instead leaning back against the edge of the bath to uncork her bottle of whatever and start the meticulous process of scrubbing the rest of her person, which probably doesn't help Kwei's preoccupation with not looking at her but-- again-- she feigns ignorance. "At least," she continues sunnily, "you'd be able to explore a new career path? Human candle, hmn?"

Kwei opens his mouth, thinks better of it and turns away to find his own soapsand, "Keep the thought for your dreams?" He advises her as he does his best to make himself busy with scrubbing at his arm with the soapsand, trying to strip the wax off, unfortunately it is taking the hair off his forearm as well. "Shells, now I'm going to be lopsided." He murmurs as he glances back over again only to see her hands moving over her body, it's eyes wide time, given there is only water in the way, even if it's likely to be too distorted to actually see anything his imagination can certainly fill in all the gaps. "Umm, human candle?" He tries to keep the conversation going. "What about the wick? No that involves flames."

Nothing further on what thoughts occupy Jaeyi's dreams; likely, that's among the tamer versions. Her expression actually turns abruptly sympathetic at what he's doing to his arm, a wince on his behalf while she watches him scraping off his hair, and it's a long, "Owwww." She offers over, at that point, a jar of something that's probably way too femme for him to pull off, but she notes, "It's supposed to have aloe in it. If you can get past the smell of tearoses." Which also ends the subject of lighting Kwei on fire, thankfully.

Very thankfully. Kwei's eyes shift to the jar she holds out to him and with only a few moments hesitation moves across the pool to reach her. "Put it on before or after I've managed to take all my hair off?" He asks her with a bit of a grimace as he shows her his arm. "Though if it's before it's probably a bit late for my arm, my thigh might fare better though." He replies with a bit of a sigh. "I'm glad it's the right weather for long sleeves."

"I don't think it's going to save your hair, sadly, but it should help cool down your skin after you rip out your hair." Jaeyi retreats half-back to her side of the bath after giving over the jar, though there is of course the requiste trace of her index finger across the bald patch on his arm. "You poor dear. Do you need me to kiss it and make it better?" The dramatic pout, the big eyes with the batting lashes, it's all lovely and poor-Kwei-y.

Kwei gives a bit of a mock sigh at her words as her finger trails along his arm and away again. "Oh well, long sleeves it is then." He replies with a bit of a grin that quickly melts into a happy smile as he catches her pout and those batting lashes. "I'm not sure just a single kiss would make it better." He murmurs as he sinks deeper into the water again, taking a few moments before he pushes backwards to his own side of the baths, foot kicking up towards her as he moves, brushing against her leg under the water before he's far enough away to settle again. "I should use this once I get out yeah?"

As if it were the most innocent suggestion ever, Jaeyi notes, "I could give it lots of kisses to make it better!" Brows raise at the foot-brushing, and she makes an effort-- perhaps an empty one-- to catch his ankle in the bend of her knee before it gets too far away, trying to snag his foot with her leg. "You could use it before," she adds in the middle of all that, like conversation's perfectly normal in the middle of bathtime flirting, "but it will probably wash off or dissolve, so best wait till you're all dry again, yes."

"I'm sure that would be absolutely wonderful." Replies Kwei, even as momemtum has him retreating to the edge of the pool, his foot catches but he pushed too hard for him to be held. He turns to the side and puts the jar down on the edge as he sits on the step, reaching for the soapsand again. "I'll leave it for later." He tells her as he rubs lightly at the wax on his thigh before bringing the soapsand over as well.

It's hard to tell, with the particularly doting quality of her voice just at the moment, whether or not Jaeyi is approving or disappointed when she remarks, "You're being so well-behaved, little harper." Then it's one finger held up, a brief disappearance under the brim of the water, and her hair is duly soaked so it can be scrubbed. "You're sure you don't want any help with that?" She puts it out there without much hope, just because it's one of those expected parts of the conversation. And because it's a convenient excuse to pitch forward a touch and peer toward the soapsandy thigh-- which water and suds obscure for the most part. Drat.

Kwei glances over at her, thanks to the step he's only immersed from the waist down so that the top of his thigh is out of the water. "I'm doing my best to not get too distracted with your beautiful body all naked and just over there." He comments a little breathlessly as he looks over, waving a soapy hand in her general direction. "I'm a big boy now, I can wash myself." It's out there before it's really registered but when it does, he closes his eyes. "Well that sounded bad." He admits, though he's not answered her question about wanting any help his yes remain closed, his hand stilled.

Jaeyi, to the first remark, blinks very round eyes and asks, "Why?" And either she really doesn't comprehend the reason he's fighting distraction or she's a damn fine actress. Lucky for Kwei, he's closed his eyes and can't see the stupidly entertained grin that sounded-bad remark has drawn forth, though the giggle kinda gives it away despite that. "Why don't you give me the soap, big boy." Seriously, that's a helluva a set up, she can't be expected to ignore it! "And we'll have this wax problem resolved with minimum hair-pulling. Well, except the fun kinda hair-pulling, depending on how it goes."

"Because it's rude to stare?" Kwei offers quietly, almost bashfully. The giggle has him snapping his eyes open again to look at her, his expression a mixture of amusement and embarrassment. The request to hand over the soap has him complying automatically, more because he's just that polite that requests are obeyed usually. The hand holding the jar moves towards her then comes back to rest on his other thigh. "Is it possible to remove the wax without the hair being plucked out as well?" He asks more seriously, though the last part of that has him swallowing nervously.

With honest pragmatism; "Do you really think I mind people staring, Kwei? There's a reason I flaunt, and it sure isn't because I don't like the attention." Jaeyi essays an amused, forgiving look, one that refrains from apologizing for her own lack of shyness. She ought to go on and wash her hair first, rather than just sort of push it roughly into a knot at the back of her neck, but she takes the soap instead, busily dunking it under the water and splashing on over toward the side of the bathtub that's been designated as Kwei's. "I think it's possible. It's just going to take a lot of patience. And possibly some more lotiony soap, if you don't mind smelling like an entire flower garden?" There's a possibility, however remote, that she is just being charitable and not seizing an excuse to go fiddling with his thighs, as she actually glances thoughtfully back at the line of girly-fluff-bathstuffs.

"Perhaps not and I'm sure I'd quite enjoy the view, but really I'm not in any position while I'm here to hide the reaction that you're causing." Replies Kwei with a very simple if perhaps too descriptive honesty. And then she's moving over towards him and it's decision time. "I don't mind smelling like a flower garden, I can explain that I'm sure, so long as it doesn't linger for too long?" He does gulp a little as she comes closer, affording him a better view as less and less water hides her from view. Of course the same can be said of him as she gets closer and if she is going anywhere near his thigh there's no way he can hide the aforementioned reaction. He's not running or hiding so that probably means he's accepted the offer of her help.

Again, the same tone, only this time with a little questioning lilt; "And you think I'm going to have some sort of problem with this reaction?" Jaeyi delivers a particularly dubious look, then pats the edge of the bath with a wet-slapping palm. "Sit, my dear boy, and we'll talk about something completely safe. Like... have you ever eaten snails?" The least sexy thing she can think of, which does nothing to change the whole naked-in-the-bath situation, or the lathering of palms, the promise of what she's actually about to start doing to Kwei-- in the most chaste way possible-- but credit her for the effort at least? "I have. Eaten snails, I mean."

Kwei closes his eyes briefly as he replies. "I'm pretty sure it shouldn't be on show so readily and so close to your hands" He stops talking there, biting at his lip to stop those particular thoughts that are just making things harder for him. Opening his eyes he looks at her which doesn't help matters much as he moves up from the step as directed to sit on the edge of the pool, only his legs from the knee down under the water now and definitely nothing left to the imagination. "Snails?" He queries. "I've heard of people eating them, but it's not something I've ever tried." He's a touch tense.

Jaeyi doesn't specifically promise to behave herself, but she seems bent on doing nothing more untoward than... well, what she's already doing. Which is pretty much untoward enough as it is. "Relax," is all the more she has to say on the subject, and that meant to sound reassuring. A splash of water, a quick shake of soap later, and taps the inside of one of his knees with an index finger. Chat; "They don't taste so bad, really, though a little chewy? Sauteed up with some garlic and butter." Still half in the water herself, with the edge of the bath and the placement of Kwei's legs to keep most of her anatomy from being especially on display, she smears a good amount of that lather over the wax, apparently intent on the task at hand. "If you ever get the chance, you ought to try them. Just for the novelty, I guess."

Kwei remains very tense, even as he shifts at the tap that leg parting away from the other so she has better access. "I'm trying to relax, it's kinda if you'll pardon me saying, hard when I can see you in most of your natural glory." His voice is a touch too husky for his own good and he tries to clear his throat with a cough, unsuccessful. "I'll certainly try them if I get the chance." He tells her. "Though I've heard they're really one of those acquired tastes, that may just be the ick factor mind you, same with oysters and the other shellfish you can get in most of the sea holds." Now that he's started, he's just letting his mouth run with it. "Some of them just feel slimy when you eat them, but they slide down wonderfully."

"Oh, I like oysters." Cheerful Jaeyi presses on resolutely, containing the mirth that brims at his pardon-me-saying remark so it's little more than a twinkling look up at him. "Have you only had them raw? They're not so bad if they're broiled a bit, with little fish eggs on them, mmn." It's a bright-sunny delight at the prospect rather than a melty-eager delight, which wouldn't help the already suggestive situation. In the meantime, head bent at his knee, she scrubs with her fingertips to dissolve as much of the wax as the soap can manage on its own, rubbing away a good bit at the edges without any harm.

"They're very nice." Replies Kwei with one of those satisfied smiles at the imagined taste. "Again an acquired taste, but if you like them I reckon snails can't be all that different, just less salty?" He queries of her seeing as she's actually tasted them. Finally giving up on any pretence he shifts his hands to rest behind him, leaning back a bit so he can just watch her better instead of just snatching glances, she said the attention was welcome right? "How's it going?"

Jaeyi tilts her head side-to-side in a so-so gesture, saying, "The snails were cooked, and a bit less slimy. Chewy, but I guess similar in the not-for-everyone way." Clicking her back teeth illustratively. He relaxes, which goes a long way toward her being less meticulously-careful. She doesn't touch anything she shouldn't, of course, but there's a fair bit of thigh-rubbing now in between cupped handfuls of water to splash away soap and get a look at the progress. "It's going. You're not balded, which is a step in the right direction, yes? Wait, I've got some lotion that I think will soften it up nicely." The wax. Not the harper.

Kwei nods his head as he continues to watch what she's doing, largely trying to ignore the very obvious reaction she's having on him. No matter how much he relaxes, given where her hands are he's not relaxing that much. "If it works then go for it, my arm is beyond help on that score." He replies, his hand dropping to trace a finger over the area, "Still feels very smooth."

"Ah, but!" Jaeyi reaches for his finger, the intent being to apply it to the edge of the wax she's managed to work loose without pulling out the hair beneath it, proud of herself for this minute achievement. "And just think, you'll have particularly lovely smelling thighs when this is all over. Which really can't be a bad thing, can it? /Someone/ will appreciate it." Briefly, cheek leaned against the inner curve of his knee, she only beams up at him before she's off to collect another jar.

Kwei manages not to faint when she takes his finger and rubs it along the edge of the patch. "I'm sure someone will..." Have lots of questions as to why his thighs are smelling all flowery and nice. He does cut that sentence off there as her cheek rests against his knee, far too close to that lovely scent that he tenses up again or at least parts of him do. "Does it sound too girly to ask if the scent will clash?" He asks her with a bit of a laugh escaping to relieve some of the tension he's feeling.

Jaeyi looks at Kwei. More specifically, she looks at the very betraying parts of Kwei's anatomy. "I don't think you need to worry about appearing overly effeminate at the moment, sugar." She's back quickly enough, offers up a smell from the jar, hardly distinguishable from the rest of the stuff she's been smearing him with. From there, she dumps out a little-- this being specifically lotion-- and sets to working that into the remaining wax, most of which she manages to peel-curl away from skin without taking the hair with it. And if there's a fair amount of leaning against his calves and knees in the process, of fingers trickling bravely upward now and again-- well, it's no more than he deserves for agreeing to this in the first place.

Kwei is internally melting at the attention, though it doesn't stop the blush that rises to his cheeks when he catches where she's looking. "It's nice." Though given the look that flashes across his face, going back smelling like Jaeyi may not be the best of plans. But he's not about to complain about that or attempt to stop her, even if he does twitch a bit every time her fingers trail upwards away from the waxed area, breath catching in his throat a little as he continues to watch the careful work.

Having accomplished a fair amount, there's only a few scrapes of a careful fingernail to pry away last patches, then Jaeyi splashes a little more water, brushes with her palm, and perches her chin triumphantly on Kwei's knee. "I think," she begins gravely, "that you're going to pull through. If there's a trace of wax left there, it's beyond me to find it." Two fingers brush-- well, really, it's more like they stroke over the affected area. So she tilts merrily dark eyes up at him; "All better?"

Kwei continues to watch while she finishes off and then pushes up to free his hand up so he can run fingers over the smooth skin towards Jaeyi's head. "I think I will tahnk you very much." Reaching over with an overly affectionate smile for her and a light caress of her cheek if she lets him. "All better and without a single instance of a kiss either." He says as he looks down at her, his eyes sparkling even with the fake pout that appears.

Lets him. Is it really possible that Jaeyi would stop him? "Well, I figured it makes it easier to behave if everyone keeps their mouths to themselves, since keeping our /hands/ to ourselves is just asking too much." There's a quick, brief turn of her head, a nuzzle into his palm, and then she busily pushes away from his legs to collect up all her jars. "Now get out of my bath, little harper, so I can scrub myself off again as punishment for entertaining such dirty thoughts about you."

Kwei laughs at that response and while she pushes away from him he raises his hand to his lips kisses two fingers and reaches out to tap her lips before she gets too far away. "I'll get going then before you do get carried away with that then, sweet thoughts my pretty darling." He murmurs softly to her as he stands, still very much on full view for her before he turns and goes to collect a towel to dry off with, he does come back to see her while he towels off. "Is it okay to borrow this one?" He asks about the lotion she'd given him earlier for his arm, after he'd dried off.

Jaeyi's resumed bathing promptly after her lips purse a little against his fingers, not /technically/ a kiss but close, and a very blatant look at him once he's out of the bath. This time, her bathing has none of her earlier attempts to mask the more eye-catching aspects of the activity. There are people that would pay money to be permitted to put soap on the places she pauses in scrubbing, glances at the bottle. "Oh, keep it," she answers with a dismissive wave of sudsy fingers. "I've probably got a half-dozen bottles anyway. As long as, next time, you promise to help me with my bath, hmmn?" The fluttering lashes tease a little.

Kwei certainly likes the view he comes back to and after collecting the bottle with a murmur of thanks those fluttering lashes are enough to extract a promise from his lips that. "Yes, I promise to help next time, just find me when you need me." He replies with a smile that threatens to break all of his resolve and previous promises. "I'll catch up with you later?" He asks hopefully as he has to tear his gaze away from the washing going on and walk away to collect the fresh clothes and disappear to the safety of somewhere he can breath more easily.

We can always hope she just fails to follow-up. At least any time soon.

*jaeyi-apprentice, kwei, jaeyi

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