Well, as Folk recall, I was quite a bit in a stress over this convention during the prepreps and attended with mixed (and fixed) feelings: I wanted to see my friends and foe
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Look, I'm in it too! There, right there!!! *squee* Nice visual recap, really sweet!
Remind me to get one of those cute badge-portraits of yours the next time you're on a roll... ^^ And gods, we really need to go dancing again sometime! It was such a blast!! Those german furs didn't know how to party until we swiss came along, right? ;) Who would have thought we'd have more stamina then BBF...
Ich find's immer wieder erstaundlich und beeindruckend wie du Erinnerung in Bildform fassen kannst und das auch noch in so relativ kurzer Zeit. Da ziehe ich meinen hut vor und erfreue mich ungemein am Endergebnis. ^___^
Comments 13
Great Pic :)
Nice visual recap, really sweet!
Remind me to get one of those cute badge-portraits of yours the next time you're on a roll... ^^
And gods, we really need to go dancing again sometime! It was such a blast!! Those german furs didn't know how to party until we swiss came along, right? ;)
Who would have thought we'd have more stamina then BBF...
I am all for dancing, I just love BBF and his Anthems... Was so cool, I guess we are really in for it this EF :D
dasde so ausdauernd abdancen kannst. XD
Nettes Bild aufjeden, man hat sofort
einiges wieder erkannt (Nostalgie Schokoooo!)
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