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Comments 86

hika_ryuu July 21 2012, 13:56:19 UTC
OMG I'm just so happy you updated XD asdfghjkl

*goes to read*


hika_ryuu July 21 2012, 15:45:14 UTC

I'm in incoherent mood right now.. and speechless. I don't know what else to say. This is by far my fav Akame fic. And it's finally completed. I will really miss this fic.

Somehow I'm in a sappy mood tonight. Plus, you made Koichi joined the circle! asdfghjkl XDXDXD Also, today is KinKi Kids 15th Anniversary. What a coincident ^ ^

Otsukaresamadeshita for the whole 6 years of writing this story. Although I only knew of this story around '08-'09, but I still feel I've been following this story since the beginning. I've been saving this story in my PC, if you don't mind (>.<)

Ok, gotta stop now. Will be waiting for 28th. I hope Jin will get to meet Kame's parents and they manage to escape the prison and go to honeymoon somewhere XDXD

OT but I'm first~ Yatta~!


blue_orbs July 27 2012, 15:42:54 UTC
I edited the post about KinKi's 15th Anniversary ^^ Thank you, I totally forgot it - lol, what a fitting chapter for it!

You've been reading for a long time! I'm honored! Thank you! And I don't mind people saving the story at all. ^^ I will upload the phases too, but it might take some time as I want to read through them and correct them first. I've noticed so many mistakes in language later on.

You were fast! *rewards*


olimp_tenshi July 21 2012, 14:49:20 UTC
Awwwwww I love this!! <3 But I feel sad it's over :(

This is the best Akame fic! Thank you for writing it! ^_^


blue_orbs July 27 2012, 15:43:28 UTC
Thank you!! I'm also a bit sad ^^; It feels strange.


jin_only_one July 21 2012, 15:11:45 UTC


jin_only_one July 25 2012, 18:15:13 UTC
Whoaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!! Why did you finish it?! *cries her heart out in a dark corner* I can't believe you finished it!

First of all, I want to THANK YOU for writing such a wonderful fic! I have to confess and tell you that I take my inspiration from In his care. When I saw your fic, I was like: No way, I will not read such a HUGE multi-chapter., but when I started to read it, I couldn't stop myself! Is brilliant! Everything you wrote here is amazing! I couldn't stop myself from re-reading it again and again and again and again... Is magical! When I started it, I was thinking how much will you continue, and now that you ended it, I want to BEG you from writing moooooore~!

Secondly, this chapter was full with surprise! Jin was teaching Kame how to fight, all of them making plans for their escape, Jin and T-TUN will have to see Kame's family I want to read that sooooooooo badly~, News becoming NewS again, Koichi-chan-sempai and Tsuyoshi are finally together and formed Kinki Kids ( I laughed so much at Kinky Kids :D ) It was ( ... )


blue_orbs July 27 2012, 15:56:33 UTC
Thank you!! ^^ I'm happy you got into reading this long fic! And wow, you've re-read?? Amazing! I'm sorry for ending the fic, but please stick around for the surprise ^^

I'm glad you seem to have liked this last chapter too!

Thank you so much and thank you for your comment! ^_____^ I will not forget about you or the wonderful experiences I've had writing and posting this fic I was so scared to start posting on (I thought people would find it weird XD;;) Thank you for all your support! I may write again someday ^^ I wish you good luck too!


pinkporca July 21 2012, 15:13:50 UTC
Wow and update and the final one too. Loved it. What a wonderful story. I think I am going to read it once again. I love it so much. Great job. Good luck on your RL and your return from Japan.


blue_orbs July 27 2012, 15:57:19 UTC
Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed the last chapter ^^ Wow, re-reading? *honored* Good luck to you too!!


infynitehexes July 21 2012, 15:38:09 UTC

I can't bring myself to read this yet. I should've readied myself but it's impossible. But omgoodness now that the end is here I don't know what to do. I'm sorry for my feels. Huhuhuhu will leave a proper comment once I get out of my craven hell hole and finish this wonderful journey with your fic. Thank you for everything dear~


blue_orbs July 27 2012, 15:58:10 UTC
Hope you enjoyed the chapter if you ever did read it ^^ Stick around for the surprise too ^____~


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