Title: Dust and Stone Rating: PG Characters: Oma Pairings: Oma/Shu Word Count: 495, complete Summary: It's been one hundred years since Shu's death. Notes: Written for avatar_500, prompt 'undying.' This won first place.
Title: War Meeting Rating: PG Characters: Tho, Hue Word Count: 465, complete Summary: Tho is not so sure getting involved in the war against the Fire Nation is a good idea. Notes: Written for avatar_500, prompt 'doubt.' This won second place.
Title: Third Eye Rating: PG Characters: Combustion Man Word Count: 498, complete Summary: The boy sees with his Third Eye. Notes: Written for avatar_500, prompt 'element.'
Title: Debris Rating: G Characters: Sokka Word Count: 498, complete Summary: Sokka finds a mysterious Fire Nation box. Note: Written for story_lottery, prompt 'bay' (bonus prompt). I gave myself a 500 word limit for this one, for variety.
Title: Peace in the Spirit World Rating: PG Characters: Sozin Word Count: 298, complete. Summary: Fire Lord Sozin finds that the spirit world is not as he imagined it.