Title: Two Guys in the Woods
Rating: PG-13
Characters: Chong, Lily, Moku
Word Count: ~1,500, complete
Summary: Chong and Moku tell Lily about meeting two strange guys in the woods.
Notes: Written for
story_lottery, prompt 'meadow.' This is 100% silliness.
Two Guys in the Woods )
Comments 8
Poor Zuko. Oh man that would be awesome to see.
I tried writing this out with all the characters meeting in real-time, and I really didn't like the way it came out, so I decided to go with the stoner recap.
Zuko and Iroh would definitely leave a lasting impression on anyone they met at that point in their travels. ;)
Of course it's no surprise that stoned hippies + intense Zuko makes for wonderful comedy. It was funny enough with Sokka, now I'm just imagining Zuko running across them...
Also this: "What was that about? We're nomads. And you live in a cave, dude. You can't talk." That was incredible.
I usually prefer not to write things as characters telling a story, but in this case having Chong be the narrator worked out better than writing it as direct action.
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