You say it's your birthday! Well, it's my birthday, too, yeah!

Jun 09, 2010 22:30

So I'm another year older and deeper in debt today, y'all. Sweet. I had Big Plans to make myself a birfday vid today, but had utter technological failure. Hopefully will be able to manage my awesome idea and meh execution skills into a vid this weekend. Wound up spending a lot of time w/ "Dr. Harkness & Nurse Jones" instead, and I don't think ( Read more... )

birthday, misha is a wild and crazy guy, i owe anya a classy drink, romance novel, q is a rock star, cupcakes, pics

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Comments 25

neifile7 June 10 2010, 02:43:01 UTC
Every time I see moar cupcake pr0n from you, I feel gleeful.

No surprise that the happy wishes poured in. We can't have blue blue on her bday!

(And I'm all d'awww at your tag. We'll buy each other a coupla rounds at D*C, y/y?)


blue_fjords June 10 2010, 04:20:41 UTC
This weekend: almond-blueberry mousse cupcakes!

Unfortunately, I seriously doubt I'll be able to haul ass to D*C this year -- I need to go to Toronto and Maine this summer, and buy new glasses. I would LIKE to, but I don't really see it in the cards at the moment...


blue_fjords June 11 2010, 00:38:13 UTC
I got a lovely card in the mail from you!!!! Thank you, you sweet and wonderful lady!!!


neifile7 June 11 2010, 02:18:10 UTC
YAY!! Glad it arrived, uh, only one day late. That's not bad for me and my procrastinatory ways!

I'm sadface about D*C, though. Hoped it was a done deal, your coming...


thrace_adams June 10 2010, 03:03:03 UTC
Happy Birthday !!!! Sorry I didn't make a you know RL is in upheaval. I hope you had a wonderful day :) *HUGS*


blue_fjords June 10 2010, 04:23:03 UTC
How is the packing going?!


thrace_adams June 10 2010, 04:23:54 UTC
The house is completely empty...has been for a week now..keys are in the hands of the renters and we are in Ohio visiting family :) Thanks for asking!


blue_fjords June 10 2010, 04:27:30 UTC
Wow! It's happening so soon! I am excited for you; I think it will be lots of fun.


51stcenturyfox June 10 2010, 03:03:50 UTC
Those look YUMMY!

Happy birthday, Blue! \O/


blue_fjords June 10 2010, 04:24:46 UTC
Thank you! Mmmmm, Gwen's cupcake looks like a tasty treat...


rose71 June 10 2010, 04:04:13 UTC
I bet he also likes pizza and sleeping in on Saturdays. We clearly have a Connection that no one else could possibly ever have!
Hee! So adorable.

Happy birthday!!!


blue_fjords June 10 2010, 04:29:28 UTC
Thank you! It's been a good day. Red velvet cake for dinner -- I bet that's Misha's favorite!! :P


pecos June 10 2010, 04:15:17 UTC
Greetings and felicitations from beautiful Colorado. Here's me hoping that you have an absolutely wonderful Birthday with many more to come!


blue_fjords June 10 2010, 04:31:26 UTC
Awww, thank you so much!!


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