Well...gosh where to begin! I haven't been on here or much of anywhere lately for all those that care to read this. Lot of bad stuff happening in my life. I am gonna post it all here so if your not interested...don't read this. ( Read more... )
Oh my goodness. That's just... awful. I really have no idea what to say. I just have a feeling that I wanna pound the guy for every girl that this has ever happened to, and I want to just take care of you now. I know I don't really know you that well, but I do know you and that's enuff for me to care what happens to you. Take care of yourself darling.
Awwwww...that's so sweet, thank you! I am greatly for all the support from all my family and friends. It has helped me beyond words. *hugs* to you too.
OMG...how did you know it was just what I needed?? Thank you. I debated whether to even post about what has been happening to me but I was hoping it would help clear my head. It did and didn't at the same time..lol Life is just so confusing right now. *sigh* *hugs*
Well, I just wanted to inform all of the people that read this, Blue is sssooo much better off without this scum bag. Yes hun, i know you love him, but he is scum. Just look at how he has treated you all your life practically. You deserve the best, and he ain't it. What comes around, goes around and he will get his in the end. You are the best person in the world, you are loving and caring and thoughtful, and he is scum. To me, that is no match. I have waited a long time for you to can his ass, I am just sorry it had to happen this way. I am still angry, and he better hope that I never see him again. Or I will at least wait til you are divorced. Then I can do my damage. He will feel my rath (s?). You just say when. lol. gggggrrrrrrr!!!!!! I hate him, I hate him, I hate him. I Love you, I Love you, I Love you. (grins). Well, geez, I can vent for some time, but I won't. I will end it here. ((((((((((((((((((((((HUGS))))))))))))))))))))).
Hey chicky...again, thank you for being there for me through every tear I have shed. I would not have made it if it wasn't for you! I probably would have thrown myself in the lake and put myself out of my misery. I know you understand better than most in my life. I am still only going to exist but it's ok. I am dealing with it. As you know..the hardest days for me to face are now over. *sigh* I don't know where life is going to take me now but I do know it's time for ME!! Seperation is best for us now. I honestly don't know if I can ever forgive what he has done to me this time. I don't think I have it in me to do that. I feel my love dying and it's being replaced by this gray cold stone. Can't seem to stop it and I guess I really don't want to. He can't hurt me if I don't love him right? Hey..he can have his nutty bitch. Good riddance! I am just sorry it has hurt Colleen so badly. :( I love her and hate for her to be in pain. We so need to go play some pool again... *wink* :) later hon.
as i already said to you before i am sooooo sorry that this has happened to you! you dont deserve this at all! you are such a nice person and i dont understand how he could have done that to you! but he is scum!!!!! (((((HUGS)))))) remember if you ever need to talk i am here for you!
I don't understand how he could have done this to us either!! I have so many unanswered questions. All I get from him is lies and lies and more lies so I have given up asking. I don't care what he does anymore..but he needs to start leaving me alone. She does too..I am sick of her harrassing me! I will know who she is soon enough and where she lives..then I have someone who is going to take pics of them..lol If I use them in court then too bad..hehe..maybe I'll make a website and post them on it. Hmmmm...good idea. I am hanging in and I am glad we had that chance to chat. I just wish it was more often. God..I am actually finding out that people that know him didn't even know he has been married to me for 25 years..can you believe that!! I was shocked but then again..he never takes me out or did anything with me so I guess I shouldn't have been surprised. *sigh* Thanks for being such a good friend.
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