Challenge 07: Wedding Planning

Feb 15, 2019 13:07

gameofcards is back! This challenge was to create a wedding for a character (or characters) from a favorite fandom. I chose Jon Snow and Daenerys Targaryen. There are no S8 spoilers here, but c'mon man! TOTES GONNA HAPPPPPPPEEEEEENNNNNN! Unless all men die.

Descriptions of work:
+10 Mood board
+40 Fanvid please watch my fanvid please please please
+10 Hand drawing
+10 Picspam
+30 Writing

~*~Mood Board ~*~
• dress/wedding attire/hair/make-up/jewelry
• color/theme/overall design

• music/musicians/song selection
• photography/videography

image You can watch this video on

~*~Hand Drawing~*~
• venue
• guests
• flowers/decorations

• wedding party

• reception
• honeymoon

Fandom: Game of Thrones
Characters/Pairing(s): Jon Snow & Daenerys Targaryen
Rating: T
Warnings: None
Word Count: 838 (500 for Challenge 05: Those Three Little Words + 334 for Challenge 07: Planning)
Words/Prompts Used: tie the knot, take breath away

Over the centuries, the Great Hall of Winterfell has witnessed many events. Most large, some not so much. Today's event was small, but possibly the most important: the celebration of the marriage of the rightful rulers of Westeros.

Jon watched the women surrounding his new wife over by the western side of the hall, all giggles and smiles. Sharing gossip about him, no doubt. Daenerys' beautiful face mirrored a myriad of emotions as the others told their tales. He recognized mirth, surprise, interest, and his favorite: joy. He couldn't remember the last time she'd looked so relaxed, even within his own company. Too much overshadowed them.

Tyrion's voice came up behind him. "Terrifying, isn't it? Seeing them all gathered together like that. Whatever are they saying," the dwarf mused. "Perhaps childhood tales that put you in a good light?"

"Unlikely," Jon returned dryly. "There aren't enough that are that amusing."

Another round of laughter broke out from the other side of the room, drawing the King's attention back to them. That is, until Davos spoke, forcing Jon to return to his own entourage. "Take advice from an old married man," Davos counseled. "A good woman's love should never be taken for granted. Only a fool would gamble with something so precious and so rare."

"Wise words, Ser Davos," Tyrion acknowledged. "Perhaps my next marriage will last long enough for me to use them."

No one mentioned the hope that Jon's marriage would last that long as well. The wedding had been hastily arranged; no rehearsal, and Jon had refused a celebratory feast, insisting on a simple dinner instead. Food would be a scarcity soon, given winter, and he would not waste it on his own whims. Daenerys had agreed. There would also be no honeymoon. There would only be whatever moments they could steal before the War began in earnest. A moment, Jon suspected, which might happen at any time.

"I'll drink to that," Jaime teased his little brother.

"As will I," Tyrion grinned, downing his cup.

"You'll drink to anything," the Hound accused, annoyed.

"Yes," the dwarf agreed amicably, "but in my already mentioned extensive wedding experience, I've found it impolite to drink more than the groom. Unfortunately," Tyrion drawled at Jon's half-finished ale, "the groom is not drinking nearly enough."

"I've already had two pints," Jon argued.

"Not nearly enough," Tyrion repeated.

"For gods' sake," the Hound barked, "my cock pisses more than you drink."

Jon grimaced at the image. "Do you have a point, Lord Tyrion?"

"Mmm, indeed I do, Your Grace. My point is no one is allowed to leave until you do. And once you leave, I - " Tyrion then indicated the rest of the men, "and my fellow companions can finally make our way through Winterfell's ample wine supplies."

"You're kicking the King out of his own celebration?" Sam asked incredulously.

"Nonsense. I am merely suggesting the King wishes to attend a different sort of celebration. After all, he hasn't taken his eyes off her since we got here."

"Maybe we should start the bedding ceremony," Gendry joked. "That'll get them going!"

Jon didn't find that amusing. "Touch her and die." Returning his vision toward the Queen, he stood up, oblivious to the cracked smiles behind him. "Have a good night, gentlemen."

"Not as good as yours will be, I'm sure." Tyrion raised his cup at Jon's retreating back.

Jon swirled around to shoot him a dirty look. The dwarf just smiled. Outright laughter now erupted from the men surrounding the table. Jon turned back and ignored them. Davos' words from before the wedding ceremony echoed in his mind. You have to fight the Night King. You don't have to fight this. It's what you want. Take it while you still have time. Damn everything and everyone else.

So reminiscent of Ygritte that he couldn't ignore the advice.

He walked over to the women and waited silently - almost awkwardly - until they finally turned their attention to him. He may be a fool in many ways, but he's not fool enough to abruptly interrupt them.

Daenerys had a mischievous glint in her eye when she finally addressed him. "Yes, Husband?"

Jon refused to play her game and simply held out his hand.  "It's late. We should leave. Let the others go on."

Dany feigned surprise. "But I'm enjoying my time with these ladies! Whatever can we do that's more pleasurable than this?"

"You really should stop," Arya playfully warned. "I'm not sure he can handle turning more red from such embarrassment."

Sansa sighed. "Oh, go ahead, Your Grace. I should make sure Lord Tyrion leaves us at least some of the wine tonight."

"Good luck with that," Jon told her flatly.

Daenerys chuckled, then took his hand and rose to join him. Her brilliant smile took his breath away. Realizing Tyrion was right to basically push him out of his own reception, Jon lead his wife out of the Great Hall. If they die, they die. But tonight they’ll live.

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