Rec It - Fanfiction: Hunger Games, SPN, Criminal Minds, Sherlock, Dawson's Creek

Jun 11, 2014 02:52

I'm mainly doing this challenge just so I can recommend these three Hunger Games fanfictions.  They're pretty much my headcanons now, with just a few exceptions. The Narrow Path Series is headcanon for the trilogy, When She Knew for the final chapter, and Worse Games to Play for the pre-epilogue.

1. The Narrow Path Series ~ Hunger Games

I cannot recommend this series enough.  You know how you want JK Rowling to fill out the Harry Potter world? Well, this is the filled out Hunger Games world.  It's almost impossible to believe Suzanne Collins didn't write this herself.

Damn near everything. This is literally the other side of the story, and in such rich detail that after reading you'll forever struggle to remember that these details weren't in the original books.  Fernwithy not only expands the events of the books, but she also expands the history of Panem (and the world), as well as ALL (no, that's not a typo) the characters in it ~ and she does so in a way that completely and utterly dovetails perfectly into canon.  Not even the small plot points are overlooked.  Was Haymitch really that drunk at the Presidential Palace?  What happened during the Quarter Quell bloodbath?  What do Haymitch and Effie really do behind the scenes?  How did Katniss' trial go?

There's not much.  About the only thing I don't agree with is this version of Haymitch's happy ending, but it is an interesting idea.

The Final Eight ~ Watching the first games, as well as the Mellarks, Everdeens, and District 12, from Delly's POV.  A detailed description of what the district does when its tributes make the final eight and how the Capitol treats them.

Quote: "I think he's wrong. The pool of blood spreading around Katniss's head is a lot more convincing than a hundred kisses would be."

The Golden Mean ~ Catching Fire from Haymitch's POV.

The Second Rebellion officially begins. This is by far the most meticulously crafted of the stories. Fernwithy's behind-the-scenes details are pure genius.  Nothing is a throwaway here, not even the Capitol propaganda.  It's scary how she's managed to show in nearly everything how the Capitol manipulates itself into the heroes, with the Districts as the bad guys. It's no wonder the Capitol citizens are such sheeps.  And sorry, but I have never believed Haymitch is the removed bastard most fanfics portray him as.  Just a defeated, tortured tribute who was able to wake up again when Katniss and Peeta entered his life.

It's really hard to limit my quote selections to just one.  There are so many stunningly perceptive lines it's ridiculous.  I'm particularly impressed by the Romeo and Juliet allusions, as well as the subtle - and sometimes not so subtle - reminders that these are still two children we're talking about.  I'm choosing this quote, however, since it best expresses how I am in no way shocked these two managed to inspire a rebellion just by being themselves.

Quote: "Katniss realizes that the water leeches the effects of the gas, and after she and Peeta have recovered enough on their own, they pull Finnick into the water, gently purging him of the poison, waiting with him as he comes back to life.

No one seems to know what to make of this. Claudius is silent -- maybe he's hoping it's all a feint for an attempted drowning -- and the other victors in the room with me are taken aback. For me, it's just Katniss being Katniss and Peeta being Peeta, but I guess I've forgotten over the last year exactly how amazing that can be."

House of Cards ~ Peeta's torture from his POV.  What makes this brilliant is you see how time and everything seems to flow fluidly for him, but you watch everyone's reactions and learn that's not the case at all.  Fernwithy's ideas of Peeta's torture is shocking in its seeming innocence. Oh Peeta.  There is no question as to how the Capitol managed to turn Peeta against Katniss.  It's telling that when Johanna is rescued first in the next fic, despite her own horrific torture, her first thought is to try and save Peeta.  This story is so calculating - and believable - it makes me nervous about watching the upcoming Mockingjay films, as I really don't want to lose this headcanon.

There are also two added bonuses in this fic: Caesar's background (very ingenious), and more glints into what happened to the planet before First Rebellion that lead to the creation of the Hunger Games.  I also now fully understand Johanna's aversion to water.

Quote: "I will not cry over a card house. I'm sure they want me to."

The Narrow Path ~ Mockingjay from Haymitch's POV.  I think the beauty of this piece is not only the fully fleshed out District 13, but also how Fernwithy manages to show Alma Coin's true face, which was only hinted at in the books.  I have never understood why Katniss (and Haymitch) agreed to the Capitol Hunger Games (it seemed so out of character), but reading Chapter 21 changed all that.   I firmly believe this is what Suzanne Collins wants us to understand about Katniss' mindset, but was unable to convey it as well as Fernwithy does.

Quote: "'I want my kids,' I say. I don't explain, and don't wait for him to ask me to."

Note: this author also has numerous missing scene pieces here.  I will be honest and admit at this point I start disagreeing with her ideas quite a bit more.  However, I highly recommend Songs of Victory (Johanna's POV), Bored, Jabberjay Drill, and this Peacekeeper prompt.

2. When She Knew ~ Hunger Games (Mature rating)

First time fic.  This one shines because it shows what happens when Katniss finally allows herself to feel her love for Peeta.  She's happy!  This is a great examination not only of Katniss realizing she's in love, but also a really good description of what it's like to *feel* in love.  The newness, embarassment, heart-racing, etc. It's wonderful character development.

Unlike the first chapter, the second and third pretty much devolve to PWP - by which I mean the types of sex acts a new couple find out they can explore. I also don't think the ending would fit with what Peeta and Katniss would really do, but I will admit it's original and a possibility.

Quote: "Sometimes she wonders when she'll get used to this-the peacefulness, the calm, the normal boring repetition her life has become now. She doesn't mind it one bit obviously; she's just not used to either struggling to put food on the table or fighting for her life and dealing with the games and Snow."

3. Worse Games to Play ~ Hunger Games

I love this fic.  This is Peeta and Katniss grown up. These two are clearly a team. The interplay between them and concern for each other is spot on.  The way they talk with each other, how they check in to make sure each other is okay every step of the way is just...them.  What makes this more of a standout fic is IMO that the author doesn't ignore Peeta and Katniss' experiences, and the fact they still suffer from the war.  To note how difficult it was to decide to have - and raise - a child when yes, every single decision you make can be tinged by some memory of what they went through.

The kids are written age-appropriate (and incredibly well thought out), and the fic doesn't have that fake Mary Sue quality most of the Mockingjay baby fics have.  It helps I think, that the fic is clearly centered on Peeta and Katniss, and the kids just orbit their sphere.  These two are the kind of parents who put each other first, which benefits the kids by knowing how much Mom and Dad love each other.  I was really impressed by the scene where the only time Peeta truly loses it is when their daughter dares to talk back to her mother.  Plus, the District 11 scene in chapter 9 is nothing short of hauntingly brilliant.

I used to like the way they decided, but now I don't.  I'm realizing it's a bit cruel, and I don't really think it's in character.  I also disagree with that they eked out happiness before the decision, and quite frankly, have a lot more sex than the author implies.  All this is in the first chapter though.  It goes by very quickly and gets straight into the real story nearly immediately.  Also, this is a work-in-progress and did technically end on a cliffhanger.  However, the author does periodically update, and the cliffhanger really isn't much.  It's more on the "Oh, I want to read more" rather than something you need to read in order to get a conclusion.  Last, I think Haymitch was more involved in their lives than as written here.

Quote: "There are few things I dislike more than being fussed over. So, of course, I decided to marry Peeta. The fussing never ceases. He's lucky I love him. I'd kill him otherwise."

Quote: "Peeta is just as overwhelmed, although he doesn't have the same chronic anxiety that I do. He is overwhelmed in a different sense. The sense of being overcome that people have when they finally get something they've wanted all their lives is what claims Peeta now."

4. In the Lethe I & II ~ Supernatural (Mature rating)

This fanfic is very intricate and detailed, not to mention steeped in mythology.  The author clearly did a ton of research.  It's Castiel/Meg, with a lot of Sam and Dean.  I was not a Castiel shipper with anyone until I read this fic.  By far the best in the SPN world IMO.  Character development is through the roof, and the new character created by the author is so well written, she's practically realistic. I really like her Castiel.  That observer tendency he has - seemingly remote in emotions, but you know he cares deeply.  Make sure you have tissues nearby when reading. I cannot tell you how many times your emotions are pulled all over the place.

Like all massive pieces, this fic does have some minor areas with plot holes and/or inconsistencies, but considering the plot layering the author is trying to achieve, they're easily understandable.  Even Harry Potter had 'em :D  It was also started before this last season, so it's now canon divergent, even though most of it could easily have taken place within the last season IRL storyline.  Also, the author likes bittersweet endings, which contradicts one of the main characters in the fic (you'll understand when you read it).  It's way easy to fanwank this one, and fix it in your head though.

Quote: "Thousands of angels were his family. Two humans were his brothers, his best friends.  He was still one of the loneliest creatures on Earth."

5. lpeterson8's Rec List ~ Criminal Minds

Covers most of the fandom favorite fics.  Whenever anyone asks for recs, I always link this list.

It hasn't been updated in awhile.  I would also add Focus, Bad Day, The Reaping, and everything by RoBunnyBot to this list.

6. Lost and Found ~ Sherlock

This is a short fic detailing why you do not fuck with Mycroft's little brother.  The symbolism will surprise you.

Nothing.  While you're at it, also check out A Week is Just Seven Days Isn't It (for its hilarity), Trustee (short fic, pre-series), and The Green Blade (case fic).

7. Pages of True Love ~ Dawson's Creek, mostly Pacey and Joey.

By far the best and most comprehensive site for P/J fics.  Most are well worth reading, and the site isn't exactly dead.  There are still some new fics added and/or updated occasionally.

Going through the site is the con.  It's worth it though.

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