Title: Untitled Rating: NC-17 Pairing: Arthur/Merlin Summary: Arthur and Merlin get an interesting engagement present A/N: written for the pthon challenge: happy endings. No angst whatsoever!
Title: Untitled Rating: NC-17 Pairing: Arthur/Merlin summary: Merlin has a hair trigger prostate, and comes early. Arthur finds this slightly frustrating, until he discovers Merlin can come both early and often. A/N: written for the summer pornathon challenge 5: Fill a prompt on the kink meme. I picked this one. This may get expanded once my porn-
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Title: Where the fruit is Rating: NC-17 Summary: Written for the summerpornathon challenge 4, First and Last times. The last time Merlin hides his magic during sex, and the first time he doesn't. Post season three. Spoilers for 2.13. This is the slightly expanded version
Title: You know I love to watch Rating: NC-17 Written for the summerpornathon challenge 3: 'AU'. I wrote stripper!Gwaine, with Arthur as his client. This is a slightly expanded version. Title from 'Oh La La' by Goldfrapp.
Title: Filled AKA GEM IS REALLY BAD AT TITLES Pairings: Arthur/Merlin/Gwaine Rating: NC-17 Warnings: Double penetration Summary Written for summerpornation challenge 2, I was number 59, and I chose threesomes as my kink.
Title: The Challenge Rating: NC-17 Summary: It's Arthur's birthday. Merlin has a present for him. Arthur has a challenge for Merlin A/N: Written for the Summer Pornathon challenge: Sex Toys