I should be posting some pictures that I got from last year. The wrestling ones didn't come out good, so I took three of those and then my dad returned them
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Eeee! YAY! Kitty! ...I want a kitty. My dog is just NOT cutting it. No cuddles, no purring, no kisses... *pouts* Oh well! Give Franchesca a nice scratch on the head for me. ^-^
Oh, and just curious here, which pictures did you print out?
Ah, well, that's not really your fault, there. Since I make all my own meals and stuff I check the labels before I even consider making something... Actually, I do that at the store. Hehe. I was so funny yesterday because my mom was looking at some mushroom gravy or something and I just glance at the label and say "beef fat" and she had JUST found it and was like "How did you see that?" so I just told her "It's a vegetarian thing." Ick. Flu medicine is just about as bad as allergy medicine. THAT is horrible.
Eeek. Yea.. heh.. the only reason why I'm a vegetarian is because I hate the texture of it.. the only meat I used to eat is bacon- I eventually got tired of it... pepperoni- that shit isn't even real, I mean it is, but it's mostly artificial, and hot dogs- I only ate them from sonic.. they are basically artificial, unless you buy the stuff that said the mixed meats and stuff...which I've never ate.
Heh, yeah... I only ever used to eat chicken really... Well for like, the last few years I still ate meat and then one day I was just like, "I don't NEED meat to survive. I mean, really. And what about all those cute animals?" and then I just was all like "Mom, I'm going vegetarian." Heheh... She didn't even think I'd make it through the first week.
:D Hehe. I refuse to eat meat substitutes, because I've tried their pepperoni type and...I just about puked...10 times. I got Rebecca into soy milk, not that I drink it, now. I need to start having more cereal.. those cereal marshmellows I doubt have gelatin in them, because c'mon, they are mainly chalk.. not gooey.
Have you ever tried the vegetarian chicken? That stuff is HELLA good. Trust me. But I was upset to hear that my favorite brand of soy milk, 8th Continent, may have vitamins extracted from animals... Hopefully the person who I heard that from was wrong because apparently Davey drinks that brand too... Anyways, on the marshmallows, they might.. I checked the ones I have and they're just dehydrated marshmallows. Same ingredients.
o.o I drink silk. o.o I've tried some other soy milk, I forgot what it was called, but it was NASTY. Rebecca actually liked it, so I let her keep it. :D Oi, what cereal was that? I have boo berry cereal to eat.. Billy M. loves marshmellows, and he eats those types, so, I'm kinda scared, now. I like chicken flavored stuff, but I don't really think I like chicken. The texture..
Well mine was just some random thing with the same type of marshmallows. I'm just saying, check before you eat. Eep... I hope Billy hasn't been eating non veg products because I know he is really serious about his being vegetarian. Bah. You don't know what you are missing out on... I <3 Veggie Chicken.
Yea... since Billy eats any cereal that has marshmellows in them.. like boo berry and count chocula.. hehe, I wouldn't eat the chicken broth at Miyabi's..I didn't know if it was real chicken broth or fake, like most.. I mean C'MON! The place only served shrimp and meat.. I eat udon, with anchovy extracts in it. I have no compassion towards fish, so... I'm really freaked out by them, actually, but I don't eat them.. I just found out anchovy extract was in it. You -can't- find Japanese food without seafood something in it.
Hehe... Billy likes the kiddie goth cereal! Yay! Gah, that's why I'm glad that we don't go anywhere that doesn't serve french fries or salad... Probably because my parents won't eat much besides a burger or steak.
MOTHERFUCKER! Damnit, the shit only comes from animal boooooones, most of humanity DIDN'T know gelatin isn't vegetarian! I should pretend to be one of those...or just pick out the marshmellows... :D I'm eating captain crunch, instead.
*giggles* Yeah, I am soooooooooo checking everything for gelatin from now on. Gah! Some of my favorite candies are probably now off limits... DAMN YOU GELATIN!
Oh, and just curious here, which pictures did you print out?
Love you, Krissy. <3333333
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