a letter

Jul 12, 2007 09:50


This is the hardest letter I've ever had to write--and trust me, I've written some hard ones in my life. This couldn't come at a worse time, now with you so happy and everything going so well--and here I am, facing destiny.

The entire time I've been at the bar I've had one question: do we, humanity as a whole, have free will or are we slaves to fate? I've heard convincing arguments for both sides, but I think I finally have the answer for myself.

It's fate. It's always fate. We fight it as much as we can but in the end fate wins.

I have to stop fighting. I have to go back and play out what destiny I have. And the funny part is, I'm not afraid.

I'm leaving everything behind except what I brought with me. The emergency potato should go to Mike or Bernard. Give my music notebooks to Liam: he'll know what to do with them. The Gibson guitar should go to Gren. I'd like you to divide the CDs and books among my friends. Everything else is yours to do with as you like.

I tried to love you the best I could, and sometimes I think I did. Sometimes we shone so bright, Darien.

I love you. I love you always.


darien, letters

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