I've noticed that a lot of people have problems crediting. I don't know if it's because they don't know what that means, don't know how to do it, or just don't want to credit. Either way, I've made this little tutorial for you.
Step One: Sign into your account (duh).
Step Two: In the navigation bar, hover over Profile and click on Manage Userpics.
Step Three: If you're adding credits to an icon you had already uploaded, find the icon and skip to the next step. If you're uploading a new userpic from your computer, click Browse and find the pic. If you're uploading from the Internet (though see my stance on hotlinking), enter the URL. Now go to the text boxes below that section.
To upload a new userpic:
To credit an already uploaded userpic (I used one of mine as an example):
Step Four: I prefer that you credit in the Comments box because links don't show up in the Keywords section. Click on that box and type in credit:
bloodstnedtears. If you're adding to an icon that was already uploaded, go to the bottom of the page and click Save Settings. If you're uploading a new on, click Proceed.
And you're done! =) Your credited icon will look something
this in your userpics section (which you can see by going to your profile and clicking on your default userpic).
Don't know why you should credit? I think that would be obvious, but
here is a wonderful tutorial on how and why to credit by
eyesthatslay. To cover the few things she missed, most of the programs we use cost money. Some fonts cost money. Some textures cost money. Yes, this is just a hobby, but sometimes hobbies cost money. And even if we aren't paying for our resources, it takes a lot of time and effort to find the perfect texture and font and style to go with a particular image. The longer you've been making icons and the more effort you put into growing as an icon maker, the more work it takes because you're discovering new things and you're caring a little more. So please credit. Not to would be so disrespectful.