Array 029 [Voice] [Filtered from the Joker]

Sep 30, 2008 23:49

I guess everyone found out about the kittens then, huh? [Al giggles softly.] I should have known it wouldn't stay a secret forever. I found them Thursday night while it was raining and I just couldn't leave them out there in the cold, you know? I stayed with them all night and their mom didn't come back, either.Itachi, Sasuke and I are taking care ( Read more... )

animal shelter, kittens!, turning into hughes, uchiha itachi, omg yay

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[Private to Al // Unhackable][Voice] kin_slayer October 1 2008, 08:01:49 UTC
I've told this story twice here, you know. I never considered I'd even tell it.

[Itachi is silent for a while, and then when he speaks again his voice is completely neutral and monotonous, devoid of emotion.]I will try to put this in easy terms and not make it too long ( ... )


[Private to Itachi // Unhackable][Voice/Video] bloodseal_soul October 1 2008, 08:17:29 UTC
[Alphonse listens patiently through it, mouthing certain names to himself to help memorize them, but otherwise not reacting. Once he is given the green light, however, and he leans forwards, frowning.]

So your father wanted to start a civil war...?! Didn't he care about everyone who might be hurt in the crossfire?


[Private to Al // Unhackable][Voice] kin_slayer October 1 2008, 08:27:56 UTC
Our father was a ruthless and practical man, Alphonse-kun. He was the ring-leader but he would not have pushed if the whole clan had not been in agreement.

Casualties in war are just that--whether those casualties were his own sons or someone elses, he had his goals and his ideals, and the clan shared them. They wished for equality, they were willing to take it the only way they thought they could.

Is wishing to be treated with respect and fairness, wanting to pass that to the next generation, even if it costs you and your family and may cost many others, such a bad thing? I do not believe so. Yet I opposed them secretly, and I eventually killed them, for those desires and goals.

So yes. I think he probably did care, but when you are preparing for war you must make choices. I had lived through war by then, my father had fought through one; it was not, I think, an easy choice for the clan to come to, and it cost them dearly.

I did not hate my parents Alphonse-kun, when I killed them, nor do I hate them now.


[Private to Itachi // Unhackable][Voice] bloodseal_soul October 1 2008, 08:43:57 UTC
[Alphonse looks as though he's about to say something, but stops himself, breath coming out in a soft, troubled sigh.]

... so you killed them to prevent a war that would kill countless more.

They were the sacrifice for peace.

[Al puts a hand over his face, and his fingers tremble. He takes several deep breaths.]

I-I can't... imagine. What that must have been like. To have to make that decision, let alone to go through with it.


[Private to Al // Unhackable][Voice] kin_slayer October 1 2008, 08:51:57 UTC
[Itachi shrugs, and his expression and voice are completely and utterly empty. Nothing there. No emotion; no remorse or regret or pain or anything. He could be a robot.]

Compassionate as always, Alphonse-kun.

Have I answered your questions or was there anything further you wished to know?


[Private to Itachi // Unhackable][Voice] bloodseal_soul October 1 2008, 09:06:15 UTC
[Sighing deeply, Al rubs his sleeve across his eyes and looks up through his fingers, watching Itachi carefully, looking for what he knows he won't be able to see.]

... Sasuke. You couldn't kill him, could you...?


[Private to Al // Unhackable][Voice/video] kin_slayer October 1 2008, 09:12:19 UTC
Very astute, Alphonse-kun.

My mission was to wipe out the clan. In not killing Sasuke I failed the mission. But I knew something no one else was aware of--I was the only one who knew Madara was still alive. I used him to help me kill the clan, but I knew he still desired revenge on Konoha.

I made a deal with the Hokage and the elders for Sasuke's safety, and left the village to keep an eye on Konoha's enemies, Madara among them.


[Private to Itachi // Unhackable][Voice/Video] bloodseal_soul October 1 2008, 09:27:10 UTC
I don't believe you failed. Sasuke was too young to have been involved. Just a child. There wasn't-

[Al closes his eyes and takes another shaky breath. putting his hand over the PCD for a moment before taking it away.]

Don't say it.

... so after all that, you still protected Konoha...? What happened with the Hokage, did he deny involvement in the killings? Did he-

Of course he did.

God. They let you do that. They let you become a martyr for their cause, didn't they... I...

I understand now. I-I understand why Sasuke is so angry.


[Private to Al // Unhackable][Voice/Video] kin_slayer October 1 2008, 10:08:54 UTC
[Itachi is silent while Al collects himself, his eyes half open and distant.]

I intended for the secret to die with me, Alphonse-kun. In provoking Sasuke to kill me, he would have become a hero for the village, someone who destroyed an evil. He would have been both powerful and untouchable.

And no, the Hokage concealed the truth from Sasuke because I begged him to, not because he wished to. He was a good man, Alphonse-kun. But politics are what they are; we both understood that the council would never reveal the truth if they did not have to, and if the Hokage and I kept silent the village and the clan retained a good name. Only one person needed to become a villain, and the village would not lose standing in the political arena.

I have never once resented my duty or my village, Alphonse-kun. I would do anything to protect Konoha--but I would do more than that to protect Sasuke.

[His last declaration does hold some emotion, the barest edge of something, too controlled and repressed to be easily identifiable.]


[Private to Itachi // Unhackable][Voice/Video] bloodseal_soul October 1 2008, 10:47:02 UTC
[For a long time, Al doesn't respond, simply stares at him. Every other second it seems as though he might be close to tears, but then he isn't. The change is so minimal it's hard to notice.]

You are... amazing, Itachi.


Thank you for telling me.


[Private to Al // Unhackable][Voice/Video] kin_slayer October 1 2008, 10:58:58 UTC
[Itachi stares back, the tiniest quirk of one eyebrow marring the blankness of his expression.]

Hm. And why do you say that, Alphonse-kun?

You are welcome, I suppose.

Thank you for befriending Sasuke.


[Private to Itachi // Unhackable][Voice/Video] bloodseal_soul October 1 2008, 11:15:31 UTC
Some people would say it's the fact that you were able to do what you did. Others would say that it's the depth of your feeling for Sasuke. Others would talk about how skilled or smart or handsome you are, or how well you're able to take this.

... not that all of that's not amazing, but-

The real thing that I find amazing is that through all of that, you held no grudges. You understood why it had to be done and you accepted the consequences, yes, but... you aren't bitter about it.

You're a rare person. A good person. Only someone with a strong and compassionate heart would be able to do what you have done.

Thank you for giving me the chance to.


[Private to Al // Unhackable][Voice/Video] kin_slayer October 1 2008, 11:21:54 UTC
[The corners of Itachi's lips quirk a little, and his expression gentles just enough to be considered, if not warm, then not entirely frozen.]

Long held grudges are what begot the whole mess, Alphonse-kun. Do not believe I am above them, however.

He needs companionship more than he lets on.


[Private to Itachi // Unhackable][Voice/Video] bloodseal_soul October 1 2008, 11:30:48 UTC
My brother spent years afraid to ask me if I resented him for binding my soul to the armor. Years of fear and self-doubt. It took a friend of ours, a ridiculous fear on my part, a physical fight between us and a battle before he finally asked me so I could tell him I never did.

I understand grudges. I hold one against someone from my world, but considering what he did, I don't think I can be faulted for it.

So... I get it.

He's good company to have, actually. I just wish he wouldn't coop himself up in his room so much. Maybe I can lure him out with something...


[Private to Al // Unhackable][Voice/Video] kin_slayer October 1 2008, 11:42:55 UTC
Hatred is a powerful motivator, Alphonse-kun. It can lend terrible strength and great will, but it twists everything it touches. I have seen this first hand. The desire for vengeance is what I imparted on Sasuke the day I killed our family, and while I knew it would make him strong, I also knew it would damage his very being. I was not wrong in either--but I believe even I underestimated how truly corrupting hate can be.

But that is all I will say on it. You've told me of Envy, you may choose to tell me more. I do not fault you for hating him--I presume it is of him you speak.

He is good company, and he has reasons which I understand, even if I do agree with you.

If you can lure him out of his hiding I will not only help you if you need it, I will thoroughly applaud you.


[Private to Itachi // Unhackable][Voice/Video] bloodseal_soul October 1 2008, 11:58:35 UTC
Everything it touches, hmn...? I should thank you, then... for helping me not to let it hurt me, for someone who means nothing.

You'd be right. Envy is... something so twisted I can't even begin to understand why he wanted to hurt us so much. Hurt us he did. Repeatedly. ... but for all I hate him, I kind of pity him too. Maybe someday I'll tell you the whole story, even though it'll take a while to do.

I'll have to think on ways to do it.


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