Happy Halloween!
Title: Paid in Full
Fandom: Buffy, the Vampire Slayer
dustandrosesPairing: Xander/Tentacle Demon, Spike/Xander
Rating: NC17
Genres: Tentacle Fic, PWP, Darkish
Warnings: DubCon/NonCon, Darkish Fic
Summary: Xander should never have gone looking through Spike's coat.
Spoilers: None
Word Count: 4,441 words
Disclaimer: Don't own 'em - not making any money off 'em. Dern it.
Prompt Notes: Inspiration for this fic taken from
tamingthemuse prompt #379: Launch, and
spook_me prompt Tentacles +
this tarot card.
Notes: For the 8th Annual Spook Me Challenge. The Master List can be found
Please pay attention to the warnings - my tentacle monsters are usually fun, but this one got a bit dark. Not full-fledged dark, but definitely on the darkish side.
Paid in Full at AO3 Paid in Full at my LJ ~